Radar plots illustrating proportions of fully (A) and partially reported (B) items reflective of a risk of bias and reporting completeness, and data deposition. Data are from 120 veterinary clinical trials (2016–2017) published in general (n=5) and subject-specific (n=5) journals (12 papers per journal). Radar plots illustrating proportions of fully (A) and partially reported (B) items reflective of a risk of bias and reporting completeness, and data deposition. Data are from 120 veterinary clinical trials (2016–2017) published in general (n=5) and subject-specific (n=5) journals (12 papers per journal). Data are median percentages for all bias items combined and proportions (%) for individual items, with 95% CIs indicated by the shaded regions. Maxime Rufiange et al. Vet Rec Open 2019;6:e000322 ©2019 by British Veterinary Association