“Are We Created to be Equal?!” 1 Corinthians 11:1-16
Lisa Olson was the Boston Herald reporter who had a run-in with the New England Patriots football team…
Does the name Meagan Rapinoe strike a familiar note to you?...
The relationship between men and woemn and more specifically the role of each in the home, the church and society as a whole is a hot potato…
Purpose: to better articulate the roles of men and women as revealed through Scripture
I What is CULTURAL in This Text ? (vv 2-6) A. The Uncovering of the Head of Man (v 4) B. The Covering of the Head of Women (vv 5-6)
II What is UNIVERSAL in This Text ? (vv 7-9) A. Divinely Established Headship (v 3)
Ephesians 5:21-33; Colossians 3:18; 1 Timothy 2:11-15; 1 Peter 3:1-6 Supportive Role Ephesians 5:21-33; Colossians 3:18; 1 Timothy 2:11-15; 1 Peter 3:1-6
II What is UNIVERSAL in This Text ? (vv 7-9) A. Divinely Established Headship (v 3) B. The Nature of Creation (vv 7-9)
“Man shows how magnificent a creature of God can create for Himself, while woman shows how magnificent a creature God can make from man.” John MacArthur (preacher/author)
“… I will make a helper suitable FOR him.” Genesis 2:18 “… I will make a helper suitable FOR him.”
III What is the APPLICATION in This Text? (vv 10-16) A. What This Does NOT Mean B. What This Does Mean
Summary and Conclusion: God never intended man and woman to function in the same roles in the church, home or society. To suggest men and women are equal is to suggest they don’t have distinctive functions or roles…
Was asked by a reporter, “What do you say, Sir to the prediction that in the year 2000 women will be ruling the world?” Churchill smiled and said… Winston Churchill
Summary and Conclusion: …To all ladies assembled here, let it be said, never, never underestimate the significance of your role. We’re not equal and God be thanked we’re not!...