Sodium consumption (mg/day) at baseline by demographic characteristics in a cohort of self-referred patients with type 2 diabetes. Sodium consumption (mg/day)


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Presentation transcript:

Sodium consumption (mg/day) at baseline by demographic characteristics in a cohort of self-referred patients with type 2 diabetes. Sodium consumption (mg/day) at baseline by demographic characteristics in a cohort of self-referred patients with type 2 diabetes. The boxes indicate the 25th percentile (lower edge), the median (middle line), and the 75th percentile (upper edge). The whiskers extend beyond the 25th or 75th percentile by 1.5 times the IQR. Individual data points beyond the whiskers are indicated with closed dots. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 7th ed., recommends a sodium intake of ≤ 1,500 mg/day for African Americans, those ≥ 50 years of age, and those with diabetes, CKD, or CVD. Laura Ferreira Provenzano et al. Clin Diabetes 2014;32:106-112 ©2014 by American Diabetes Association