Unaffiliated users and access to academic library collections Walk-in access is managed by old technology & manual interventions. Unaffiliated users and access to academic library collections Unaffiliated (walk-in, community) users access electronic resource collections at academic libraries in different ways. We sought to understand the systems, processes, and frameworks for this access, in the context of a changing landscape for library authentication (i.e., SSO, RA21). Libraries have implemented a range of solutions to address access to online scholarly research, and most of them are using outdated technology and significant staff intervention to provide these services. 13 question online survey (late 2018) responses from 128 academic institutions across North America, from 40 states & provinces average 145 responses per question participants work at academic libraries in North America, with knowledge of library collections & technology recruited through listserv posts (Serialist, CARL, ALCTS, COPPUL, and CRKN) 91% of respondents have computers available for unaffiliated users’ use 91 respondents allow some kind of wifi access, 59 allow none FTE Responses 0 - 9,999 81 (51%) 10,000 - 19,999 28 (18%) 20,000 - 29,999 14 (9%) 30,000-39,999 24 (15%) 40,000+ 12 (7%) In the increasingly complex environment of online scholarly publishing, the provision of access to unaffiliated users by libraries is difficult to manage. Community members and others who historically had equitable access to a library’s collection have had their access restricted as library collections transition from physical to online. How/have you examined your electronic resource licenses to provide walk-in access? We use software to limit access based on licenses 51 We have not examined them in depth 46 We only accept licenses that allow walk-in access 10 We don't extend any access to walk-ins 5 We have examined the licenses/are reviewing them We extend access to all licenses (minimal risk) 4 Other How is access provided on computers for unaffiliated users? Open/no login 71 Temporary ID 53 Library staff login 35 Other 5 Take a picture to download the full poster Elizabeth Stregger | estregger@mta.ca Jaclyn McLean | jaclyn.mclean@usask.ca Like our poster style? Make your own #betterposter: https://osf.io/ef53g/