HXMT in IHEP progresses since last joint calibration meeting Shu Zhang
Outline Calibration Background model Research progresses New targets
Calibration Timing system TOA analyses of Crab show timing precisions are < 100 us.
Calibration EC relationship: HE 4 lines in background, ME 1 line in background LE a few line in Cas A spectrum
Calibration ARF, strategy pulse on-off, independent of background model Input: Pulse-on energy spectrum Proper method to revise the ARF. Progress: Pulse-on spectrum from RXTE data; Take polynomial in xspec to fit the spectrum, fix the pulse-on spectral parameters.
Verification of the calibration ARF: 1 use the Crab pulse-on spectrum from Bepposax and Nustar as input for cross check 2 Crab nebula spectrum with 1th version of background and total systematic error? 3 test with pulse-on spectrum of other pulsar in outburst of HXMB systems. 4 stability of the revised ARF, by investigating the Crab pulse-on or nebular spectrum over different time spans. 5 ME ARF revision dependence of the source flux level? EC: 1 LE : Cas A spectrum fitting and other source with line emissions 2 ME : silver line 3 HE: fitting the lines in the background spectrum? EC precisions have influences of measuring lines at soft X-rays and CRSF at hard X-rays. May also have influence on the continuum spectral analysis. Version 1 of calibration on the response matrix? Total systematic error ?
Background model Strategy: consider the relation between blind detector and the other detectors. Input: blank sky observation; Proper EC to account properly for the line emission in the background spectrum Proper data selection criteria
Background model Test and verification, Input: The other blank sky ME BKG model uncertainty: ME efficiency evolving? Systematic error in background model? Version 1 background model will be released and packed into HXMT data analysis software.
Research progresses Paper on the new transient MAXI JJ1535-571 almost ready for reporting the QPO and time lag (HuangYue). Research on the CRSF: obtained good spectral fits with the updated ARF to the source of Her X-1 (Ge MingYu) Paper on the new transient Swift J0243.6+614 : timing and pulse profile evolution (Ge MingYu).
Spin profile evolution of Swift J0243.6+614 HE LE
Her X-1 CRSF Her X-1 3th observation
New targets After last December, the following targets that not observed previously by HXMT came into FOV: Swift J1658.2-4242 : 430 ks (outburst of newly discovered HMXB) MAXI J1820+070: 410 ks (the new X-ray nova and black hole candidate) Aql X-1: 30ks (outburst decay) NGC 6624 : 30ks (globular star cluster, atoll source 4U 1820-30: spin, type-I burst, orbit 685 s , with –P_dot, 171 days period)