Operational Context and Use Case Focus Group May 30, 2019
Agenda Schedule STDDS Airport Data Service (APDS) Closeout Data Communications Network Service (DCNS) – Data Link Dispatch (DLD) Operational Context TFMS Status Preview
Ops Context Document Schedule February 2019 FNS OCD Closeout ITWS OCD Flow UCD TDES OCD Storyboard MET UCD Storyboard March 2019 ITWS OCD Closeout Flow UCD Closeout TDES OCD MET UCD APDS OCD Storyboard April 2019 TDES OCD Closeout MET UCD Closeout APDS OCD DLD OCD Storyboard Aero UCD Storyboard May 2019 APDS OCD Closeout DLD OCD Aero UCD TFMS Status OCD Storyboard June 2019 DLD OCD Closeout Aero UCD Closeout TFMS Status OCD SFDPS General OCD Storyboard July 2019 TFMS Status OCD Closeout SFDPS General OCD ISMC OCD August 2019 SFDPS General OCD Closeout ------- September 2019 ISMC OCD Closeout -------- -------- *OCD – Ops Context Document UCD – Use Case Document Added DLD to April 2019, all other Ops Context Docs move 1 month to the right Will address Request/Reply and newer services once all Pub/Sub services are completed
Closeout SWIM Terminal Data Distribution System – Airport Data Service (STDDS-apdS)
STDDS-APDS Description Service only has one function/capability Sends runway visual range observations for select towers associated with a TRACON RVR describes the distance from the runway that a pilot can expect to see runway surface markings Different pilot/equipage categories require minimum values of RVR for legal airport approaches in various weather conditions
STDDS-APDS Operational Context Document Introduction Terminal Information Runway Visual Range References STDDS-APDS Service Overview RVRUpdateMessage STDDS-APDS Publication Message Types RVRDataUpdateMessage airport runwayData Appendix A: Acronyms
Comments Only editorial comments were received – all accepted The group is encouraged to review the documents ahead of the meetings
Data Communications Network Service (DCNS) – Data Link Dispatch (DLD) Operational Context Data Communications Network Service (DCNS) – Data Link Dispatch (DLD)
Controller-Pilot Communications In addition to using voice, pilots and ATC exchange command and control messages digitally using Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) Clearances, requests, position reports, etc. Historically these messages are not shared with airline dispatchers CPDLC between ground-based air traffic controllers and airborne flight crews flow through the Future Air Navigation System (FANS) Gateway sub-component of the DCNS.
DCNS-DLD Description Receives copies all CPDLC messages that flow through the FANS Gateway in DCNS, converts them to XML format and publishes them to SWIM for use by airline dispatch (Flight Operations Center) DLD messages benefit airline dispatch functions: Improved ability to maintain operational control of flight Improved situational awareness for Dispatch Function Real-time receipt of messages Allows for direct access into Dispatcher Flight Tracker Software Enables analytics that support operational improvements
Sourcing DCNS-DLD
Decomposition of DCNS-DLD Messages ATS Facility Notification AFN Contact (FN_CON) AFN Acknowledgement (FN_AK) AFN Complete (FN_COMP) AFN Contact ADVISORY (FN_CAD) AFN Response (FN_RESP) CPDLC Connection Management CPDLC Connection REQUEST (CR1) CPDLC Connection CONFIRM (CC1) CPDLC Disconnect REQUEST (DR1) CPDLC CPDLC Uplink Message (CPDLC_UL) CPDLC Downlink Message (CPDLC_DL) Technical Notifications Message Assurance (MAS) September 7, 2018
DCNS-DLD Operational Context Document Introduction Controller-Pilot Communications CPDLC Messaging References DCNS-DLD Service Overview DCNS-DLD Message Types AFN Contact (FN_CON) AFN Acknowledgement (FN_AK) AFN Complete (FN_COMP) AFN Contact ADVISORY (FN_CAD) AFN Response (FN_RESP) Message Assurance (MAS) Uplink/Downlink Message Data Types Appendix A: Acronyms CPDLC Connection REQUEST (CR1) CPDLC Connection CONFIRM (CC1) CPDLC Disconnect REQUEST (DR1) CPDLC Uplink Message (CPDLC_UL) CPDLC Downlink Message (CPDLC_DL)
DCNS-DLD Service Description Service Interface Message Sets The service provides a copy of the data link messages that are exchanged between the aircraft and the NAS automation system (e.g. a copy of en route dispatch messages, formerly EDM, to AOC). The Data Link Dispatch Service sends XML formatted Air Traffic Services (ATS) Facility Notification (AFN), Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC), and Technical (TECH) Notifications messages to authorized service consumers. Service Interface Publish/Subscribe via JMS Message Sets Message Name Description AFN Contact (FN_CON) AFN logon message sent by the aircraft to the specified ATSU. AFN Acknowledgement (FN_AK) Uplink response sent by the ATSU receiving the AFN logon message to the aircraft providing the status of the AFN logon attempt. AFN Complete (FN_COMP) Response sent by the aircraft to the ATSU initiating the FN_CAD providing the status of the AFN logon to the specified ATSU. AFN Contact ADVISORY (FN_CAD) Uplink message sent by an ATSU instructing an aircraft to send an FN_CON (AFN logon) to a specified ATSU. AFN Response (FN_RESP) Downlink response sent by the aircraft to the ATSU that initiated the FN_CAD indicating an intent to send an FN_CON to the specified ATSU. Message Assurance (MAS) Provided only in a response to a CPDLC uplink messages referring to the message ID in the A620 header. CPDLC Connection REQUEST (CR1) Uplink message to request a CPDLC connection. CPDLC Connection CONFIRM (CC1) Downlink message to confirm a CPDLC request. CPDLC Disconnect REQUEST (DR1) Downlink message to request a CPDLC disconnect. CPDLC Uplink Message (CPDLC_UL) Uplink FANS message CPDLC Downlink Message (CPDLC_DL) Downlink FANS message
Preview TFMData-Status
TFMS Messages TFMS includes multiple messages with large data sets, sent through the TFMData service Flight Data International Data Terminal Data TFMS Request Reply Flow Information TFMS Status Separate Ops Context Documents were written for Flight and Flow Plan to address Request Reply once all other Ops Context documents are completed
TFMS Status TFMData sends/receives data from multiple SWIM services, which impact the information that TFMS produces TFMData Status business function provides status of all of the data flows that directly or indirectly contribute to TFMS, this includes both TFMS and non-TFMS data flows: NAS Flight Data TBFM Flight Data SWIM Terminal Data Distribution System (STDDS) Runway Visual Range (RVR), Surface Movement Events, and Tower Departure Events Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) Special Activity Airspace (SAA) Schedule Events International Data Providers Input and Output Terminal Data Input and Output TFMData Request and Replies TFMData Flight Data TFMData Flow Information
tfmdataStatus Data Elements service – identifies the service that is that provides the data e.g. STDSS businessFunc – identifies the business function within the service e.g. RVR Facility – identifies the facility that is the origin of the data e.g. PHL direction – identifies the direction of the flow relative to the TFMData service state – identifies if a particular flow is ENABLED or DISABLED within TFMS time – the last time a message was received or transmitted numberMsgs – number of message received or transmitted since the session (JMS) initiation
References SWIFT Focus Group Website Documents http://connect.lstechllc.com/index.cfm/main/opconfocusgroup Documents APDS Operational Context Document v1.0-Final http://connect.lstechllc.com/files/STDDS%20APDS%20-%20Operational%20Context%20Document%20v1.0_20190530_Final.docx DLD Operational Context Document Draft v0.1 http://connect.lstechllc.com/files/DCNS%20DLD%20-%20Operational%20Context%20Document%20Draft%20v0.1_2019_05_30.docx Please review DLD and provide feedback by June 15th, 2019 Next meeting is scheduled for June 27, 2019 Contacts Jay Zimmer jay.zimmer@lstechllc.com Felisa White felisa.white@faa.gov