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Presentation transcript:

Government Systems Words to Know

What is Government and why is it important?

Government the people and groups within a society that have the authority to make laws, make sure they are carried out, and to settle disagreements about the laws. No government means chaos and anarchy.

Types of Government Systems!

Democracy A government that receives its power from the people.

Autocratic Total Control A country or nation that is governed by a single person with unlimited power. Total Control

Oligarchy A government in which a few powerful (usually rich!) individuals rule.

Communism An economic and political system in which property is owned collectively and labor is organized in a way that is supposed to benefit all people.

Constitutional Monarchy A system of government in which the laws in the constitution limit the monarch’s or emperor’s power.

Types of Democracies!

Parliamentary Democracy A republic whose head of government, usually a Prime Minister, is the leader of the political party that has the most members in Parliament.

Presidental Democracy Type of democracy in which the leader is voted on directly by the people.

Party Systems!

One-Party-System A system in which there is only one political party and only one candidate to choose from for each government position.

Multi-Party-System A political system in which two or more parties exist.


Prime Minister The leader of the cabinet and often also the executive branch in a Parliamentary Democracy. Prime Minister is appointed by the majority in parliament

President Leader of a nation elected by the people in a democracy

Dictator government controlled by a single leader.