Reviewing RIS3 in Catalonia Tatiana Fernández Sirera, PhD Head of Economic Promotion, Ministry of the Vice-Presidency, Economy and Finance Madrid, 12 December 2018
Smart specialisation strategies Common strategy Stakeholders RIS3 governance Aligning efforts History More competitive and sustainable businesses and R&I system New emerging activities More and better jobs Better public services Better quality of life RIS3 support economic and knowledge specialisations that best match the resources, capacities and skills in a territory and, therefore, its potential for innovation to tackle territorial challenges.
RIS3 are also about societal challenges How can RIS3 encourage public administrations, R&D&I stakeholders (universities, technology and research centres), companies and civil society to become involved in collaborative innovation aimed at responding to societal challenges? Reinventing public services so that they provide more efficient and effective responses to societal needs (through innovation public procurement). Reinventing the concept of community and develop new forms of cooperation among people and organisations in order to build collective intelligence that can generate effective responses to the complex problems that face our society (through collaborative and open innovation) Reinventing business models so that they are more closely aligned to the needs of people.
Catalonia’s RIS3 priorities scheme Improving the efficiency of production processes Reorienting companies towards segments of greater added value Promoting emerging activities. RIS3CAT focus on 7 leading sectors strongly related to the 3 transformative vectors of the Catalan economy. R&I collaborative initiatives and social innovation are priorities in the RIS3CAT. RIS3CAT is led by the Government (through competitive calls and innovation public procurement). R&I stakeholders play the main role in RIS3CAT development and implementation and in defining the smart specialization patterns (through their investment decisions). The RIS3CAT Steering Committee reviews the RIS3CAT Action Plan annually (new instruments, changes in instruments, budget changes…)
Pilot actions promoted by RIS3CAT Promoting sectoral R&I agendas and collaborative projects by companies and R&I centres focused on industrial and technological sectoral challenges (RIS3CAT communities). Promoting innovative projects by local authorities in collaboration with R&I actors and other actors in the territory to develop and implement new solutions to local social challenges (PECT). Promoting procurement of public innovation (PPI) to develop and implement new solutions to social challenges through new processes and services. Promoting the articulation of a network for social, digital and collaborative innovation in Catalonia (Catlabs network) as a way to advance towards a universal innovation system adapted to the Internet era (collaborative). Codesigning and testing new processes and methodologies to address complex social priorities that require a collective impact approach (public administrations, R&I actors, companies and civil society). Developing and implementing monitoring and evaluation systems focused on collective learning (besides accountability) and on impact in dynamic and complex environments. .
A dynamic RIS3 monitoring system Early and middle years Middle years Late years Monitoring key questions What needs to happen? How well is it working? What difference did it make? What is happening? Stakeholders assemble the key elements, develop the strategy and the action plan, and explore and propose diverse options There is a degree of uncertainty about what will work and how New questions, challenges, and opportunities emerge RIS3 key elements are in place and stakeholders are implementing strategies and activities Outcomes are becoming more predictable RIS3 context is increasingly well-known and understood RIS3 activities are well established Stakeholders have significant experience and more certainty about "what works" RIS3 is ready for a determination of impact Common governance + common indicators & new data+ interactive monitoring tools + stakeholders’ participation
Learning and accountability in RIS3 monitoring Focus Controlling the use of public money and getting best value for money Understanding what works and what doesn’t work and why Understanding the patterns of smart specialisation (stakeholders’ investment priorities, interactions, networks, emergent activities, etc.) Indicators and data Quantitative indicators: result indicators (from statistics, surveys, administrative data) and output indicators (from projects) Qualitative indicators (focus groups, interaction with stakeholders) combined with quantitative indicators Open data, big data and thick data visualised trough interactive and exploratory tools mapping the R&I ecosystem Goals Demonstrating the capacity to achieve results in dynamic environments (not achieving predetermined results on a predetermined plan!) To provide evidence for codesigning and implementing more effective responses (policies, investments, etc,) to economic and social challenges Putting the prevailing values and institutional settings up for discussion
Open data and learning by monitoring Available technologies and open data make possible: A new generation of monitoring systems for public policies, more participative, interactive and focused on impact in complex and dynamic ecosystems. The development of interactive and exploratory visualisation tools providing an entry-point to complex and highly-intertwined data- sources. How to... Increase collaboration across sectors? Forge new relationships among stakeholders? Identify emergent opportunities? Advance together towards shared goals? Assess progress together? Use data to make better decisions? Find new and more efficient collaborative ways to tackle societal challenges?
How do EU funds contribute to smart specialisation? RIS3-MCAT Platform (proof of concept) Reliable, granular and fresh data (in 5* linked open data format). Map and characterise EU funded R&I projects. Automatically classify the projects into the RIS3CAT priorities. Map collaborations among stakeholders (emergent innovation communities). Present temporal evolution and geographical distribution. Free search of more than 15.000 automatically- extracted keywords). Identification of institutions, projects and partners. Automatic indicators.
RIS3CAT monitoring reports RIS3 annual monitoring reports based on quantitative and qualitative data (first November 2017, second January 2019). ERDF and RIS3 mid-term evaluation (2019) and final evaluation (2023) Projects in Health financed by European funds (regional ERDF and Horizon 2020) 327 projects 213 entities 227 MEUR euros 1.194 external partners PECT (first competitive call) 25 territorial projects 108 beneficiaries 51 MEUR (30.5 ERDF) Second call for January 2019 (50 MEUR ERDF) Indicators for the first 5 RIS3CAT communities RIS3CAT communities (2 competitive calls) 11 communities 68 projects 518 beneficiaries 133.8 MEUR (44.3 ERDF)