Fig. 7 Semiquantitative model of the knitted textile actuators. Semiquantitative model of the knitted textile actuators. (A) Definition of knitting terms. (B) Schematic description of the actuation process. The fabric is inserted in an electrolyte solution containing cations (+), anions (−), and solvent molecules (S). The actuation starts by prestretching the fabric to remove the initial slack between the interlooping yarns (i). When reducing the PPy, cations are inserted into the yarn, causing an elongation of the yarn and a loop elongation (ii). Subsequent oxidation of the PPy causes the ions to be expelled, the yarn shrinks, and the loop closes, resulting in a net contraction of the fabric (iii). Ali Maziz et al. Sci Adv 2017;3:e1600327 Copyright © 2017, The Authors