Cohesion policy communication 2014+ Synergy = smart together Communication strategy ERDF-ESF 2014 - 2020 Mieke Cornet & Marianne Schrama
How it started Many organizations involved in Europe – public (1828) Lack of shared messages Small individual communication activities Expensive and ineffective Lonely
So, joining forces Permanent Representation Ministry of Economic Affairs ERDF ESF INTERREG
Goal Reach the general public, wider scope No more waste of energy and money Better results Feeling better
Results so far Photo exhibition 2009 Midterm evaluation Europa Kijkdagen 2011, 2012 & 2013
Conclusions We understand each other We reinforce each other We want to continue and enlarge
Basic elements for the strategy Co-operate where possible Respect and room for differences Projects are the key Other funds are welcome
Strategy Process Content
Process 1 Start from the current situation Check on relationship Transnational programs cautious Step by step Confidence must grow
Process 2 ESF & ERDF writing European Fisheries Fund and Rural Development Program closely involved Transnational programs involved in the background
Process 3 Before you can come to a common core message, you must agree on the method you will use to formulate this core message. Process and content are intertwined
Process 4 Factor C Determine common targetgroups by force field analysis Determine common core message
Current situation Completion of the draft strategy ERDF+EA > ESF > plenary session Future milestones in a calendar
Next future Finalize strategy Adopt strategy Apply strategy on OP’s, year plans and activities
Further steps Continue cooperation: Europa om de hoek Kijkdagen (open days) Expand cooperation: - joint activities - develop formats - singel webportal
Lessons learned A strategy: you do it together Check assumptions Mutual trust is the basis Give each party space Write together Give the process time
Questions ? Ministry of Economic Affairs Marianne Schrama OP Kansen voor West Mieke Cornet