Investing in Happy Nurses
‘If staff do not feel engaged they can spiral down into burnout, which can leave them cynical, exhausted and depressed. But where staff are engaged studies across a range of sectors show performance rises’- The Kings Fund
I asked you... What makes you a happy Nurse?
What you want from your managers Pushed to my potential ‘Opportunity to innovate’ Given autonomy Recognition ‘Being told well done’ Positivity What you want from your managers Inspirational leadership To act as a role model Listens, supports and involves us Know everyones name and greet us Visible
Shared to @WeNurses by @Bartontd
Autonomy ‘The NHS have three big challenges driving up quality of care for patients and populations Finding billions of pounds of productivity gains Making the government reforms work’ ‘This may only be achieved if staff see it as their responsibility to design and manage effective systems in their wards, clinics or practices and feel empowered to do so.’- The King’s Fund
‘Being around fellow positive people.’ A friendly working environment Smiley people Laughter ‘Studies show that we unconsciously imitate emotions we see others display, and so people spread their moods to others—whether good moods or bad moods.’ Daniel Goleman Shared to @WeNurses discussion by @MandyHollis3
‘So answering the phone with a “I’m happy to talk to you ‘So answering the phone with a “I’m happy to talk to you!” voice instead of a “You’re interrupting me!” voice gives other people a boost.’ Gretchen Ruben
Making friends on Twitter Talking and sharing experiences with fellow nurses Time to reflect Making friends on Twitter Home-life balance Care for our own mental and physical well-being ‘Can’t care for others if we don’t care for ourselves’ Schwartz Rounds Encourage social trips out
‘That warm glow of making others happy’ ‘Being able to give the best care possible’
‘The business case for leadership and engagement is compelling: organisations with engaged staff deliver better patient experience, fewer errors, lower infection and mortality rates, stronger financial management, higher staff morale and motivation and less absenteeism and stress’- The Kings Fund
Thank you to everyone who took part in the discussion Spread the happiness its contagious!