Figurative Language Fun!
My hair is as yellow as the sun! Simile Sally She loves to compare things using like or as. My hair is as yellow as the sun!
Metaphor Mike He says what something is when he wants to compare. My brother is a pig!
Personification Pete He likes to give human characteristics to animals or objects. My hat hugs my head.
Ollie Onomatopoeia She makes sounds that an object or animal would make. Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!
I hope I break a leg in the play! Iggy Idiom He always uses expressions that do not mean exactly what they say. I hope I break a leg in the play!
I’m so hungry I could eat a horse! Hyperbole Helen She loves to make very dramatic exaggerations about everything. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!
Chester Cheetah chewed a chunk of chewy cheddar cheese. Alliteration Al He loves to say sentences where the words begin with the same sound or letter! Chester Cheetah chewed a chunk of chewy cheddar cheese.