Phenotypic diversity of individual multiple myeloma clones. Phenotypic diversity of individual multiple myeloma clones. A, Cells of the predominant clones were overlaid in black over t-SNE maps of three multiple myeloma samples. The areas potentially including physiologic and/or malignant plasma cells based on high CD38 expression are circled in blue. B, For a more detailed visualization of individual phenotypes, single cells of the predominant B-lineage clone in MM1 were plotted as filled black circles in two-dimensional space. Positive and negative gates were set based on the distribution of all cells (clonal and nonclonal) in the individual dataset visualized as contour in the background. The absolute counts of monoclonal cells of the predominant clones are 136, 218, and 64 for MM1, MM2, and MM3 respectively. Note that there can be positional overlap due to similar phenotypes. MM, multiple myeloma. Leo Hansmann et al. Cancer Immunol Res 2017;5:744-754 ©2017 by American Association for Cancer Research