TTC Fiber Distribution CSC Trigger Rack(s) TF-CCB TTCoc CSC FED Plus Rack DCC CSC FED Minus Rack DCC CSC TTC partition consists of one LTC and three TTCci modules One TTCci for the CSC-TF crate, one for the Plus Endcap, and one for Minus Endcap Each TTCci comes bundled with a TTCex Each TTCex has 10 individually powered laser outputs. For the Endcap TTCex each will have two fibers directly to the appropriate DCC in the CSC FED Racks The Endcap TTCex will also have two fibers that each end feed into its TTCoc in the CSC Trigger rack. From the TTCoc in the CSC-Trigger rack the distribution to the 30 CCBs per Endcap (using the fiber-termination cassettes) is done. This leaves one spare output per TTCoc The TTCex for the TrackFinder CSC will plug in directly to the TF-CCB LTC TTCci TTCex