Wernicke encephalopathy in a 75-year-old man. Wernicke encephalopathy in a 75-year-old man. (From Moritani T, Ekholm S, Westesson PL. Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of the Brain. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 2004. Used with permission.)A, FLAIR image shows a symmetrically hyperintense lesion in the hypothalami (arrow).B and C, DW image shows isointense lesions with mildly increased ADC in the hypothalami that may represent vasogenic edema (arrow). Release of glutamate into the extracellular space may cause lesions in Wernicke encephalopathy. Toshio Moritani et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2005;26:216-228 ©2005 by American Society of Neuroradiology