Survey respondents’ primary appointment, teaching experience, and shared instructionNote: Individual panels are as follows: A—Fifty-two (53.6 percent) of the ninety-seven survey respondents reported that their primary academic appointment was located outside of the dental school. Survey respondents’ primary appointment, teaching experience, and shared instructionNote: Individual panels are as follows: A—Fifty-two (53.6 percent) of the ninety-seven survey respondents reported that their primary academic appointment was located outside of the dental school. B—Survey respondents had an average of 22.65 years of teaching experience in the anatomical sciences. C—Survey respondents averaged 18.87 years of teaching dental students. D—Dental students shared instruction with other professional students at sixteen of fifty-nine (27.1 percent) responding schools. Dorothy T. Burk et al. J Dent Educ 2013;77:744-756 Journal of Dental Education