Friendship Group Activities One of the criteria for the Friendship Group activities is to have everyone sit on one level, either on the chairs, or stand up or sit on the grass. Youth Alive Training
Friendship Group Rules Then after they know each other through the Name Game, each Friendship Group needs to make their own FG rules on a large paper, so there is an ownership to the rules made. Youth Alive Training
Leadership training In the Friendship Group activities where the youth facilitator is expected to lead out while the adult facilitator is there to support them Leadership training In the Friendship Group activities, the youth facilitators are expected to lead out while the adult facilitator is there to support them. Youth Alive Training
Environmental change Seen in the Youth Alive local clubs conducted as the follow-up of the Youth Alive conference Environmental Change This will be seen on Saturday afternoon as the participants go for our community outreach. The environmental change is especially seen in the Youth Alive local clubs conducted as the follow-up of the Youth Alive conference where young people promote healthy living in their community. Youth Alive Training
Positive alternatives As the participants abide by the “Honor, Dignity and Respect” philosophy, a positive social environment is developed that makes the connectedness among one another easier to take place. It is misleading to use the term positive social “alternatives,” because it is actually drugs and alcohol that are being used as alternatives by people who don’t know how to have fun naturally. Youth Alive Training
Cooperative games Cooperative games By playing cooperatively, calling participants by their positive adjectives, fellowshipping with one another, Youth Alive Training
Dining room fellowship be it in the dining room, eating together and getting to know each other better Youth Alive Training
Songs or as they work together to perform their Friendship Group gifts in the form of songs, Youth Alive Training