P&O Ferrymasters Driver Training Programme 2019 v1 Bright Bar in bundles P&O Ferrymasters Driver Training Programme 2019 v1 TSE Ref – LRG-0004 BB Issue 1
Bright Bar Oiled & Bundled – What is covered? Rounds Hexagonal Bundled and banded in similar lengths Loaded in a single layer P Multiple length mixed bar loads O Section 1 of the LRG. This guideline only applies to the products stated. The products are oiled bright bar (rounds or hexagonal); bundled and banded in to similar length packs; loaded in a single layer. It does not apply to mixed length and/or individual bars.
Essential Requirements – false headboards Manufactured from first grade plywood. 2-off 18mm thick boards screwed together to form 36mm thick boards. 500mm high to prevent spearing over the top To reduce manual handling issues, separate 18 mm thick boards can be placed back to back The false headboards at the front, middle and rear of the load must be strong enough to take the force of the bars sliding forward, and the straps pulling backwards. Thinner boards were tested and they shattered to matchwood!! They need to be 500mm high to stop the bars spearing over the top.
Essential Requirements – base dunnage Dunnage must have a square cross-section. 75 x 75mm minimum softwood with triangular chocks, or 100 x 100mm hardwood with steel pegs. Maximum of 3 bundles between chocks/pegs: The base dunnage needs to have chocks or pegs to stop the bundles of bars rolling off sideways. The strength of the chocks / pegs determines how many bundles can be placed between them to cover the forces in the standard. No more than 3 bundles are allowed between chocks/pegs. If steel pegs are used, the timber must be hardwood.
Oiled Bright Bar – Up to 4mt long in 3 rows
Oiled Bright Bar – Up to 6mt long in 2 rows
Oiled Bright Bar – Up to 8mt long in 1 row
Oiled Bright Bar – Up to 6.5mt long blocked to headboard