The Networking Territory
Diagnosing Your Networks Inside vs. Outside Strong vs. Weak Ties Individuals vs. Groups Size Diversity Structure Efficiency
Diagnosing Relationships The Other’s Spectrum Deal- Oriented 1. Spot Market 2. Exploitation Your Spectrum Deal- Oriented Relationship Oriented 3. Exit 4. Partnership Relationship Oriented
Evaluating Your Intelligence System Are you in the know? Contact maintenance Word-of-mouth information? Contact building opportunities Diversity of contacts Sharing information Outside sources of information Wandering around Peers in other organizations Using others as eyes and ears
Intelligence Systems (cont’) Each of my heroes has a special talent for keeping himself informed about a wide range of operating decisions being made at different levels in the company. As he moves up the ladder, he develops a network of information sources in many different departments. He cultivates these sources and keeps them open no matter how high he climbs in the organization. When the need arises, he bypasses the lines on the organization chart to seek more than one version of a situation. (Ed Wrapp) He [Walter Wriston] relies very heavily on information that comes to him from different parts of the organization. He gets and absorbs the feelings of people who are not only department and group heads but always has a wary ear open to be alert to situations, circumstances within the shop that might not surface in the ordinary routine of management information flows... He’s got a very acute sense.. .of the ideas as they float around the organization.… (Harry Levinson and Stuart Rosenthal, CEO) Churchill MBWA
Assessing Information Needs What kinds of information do you need? What information is critical to your ability to do your job? Where are you and your group in the flow of internal relationships? Who are your internal customers? Who are your internal suppliers? Where are your key information uncertainties and threats? Where is information generated that you really need to know?
Post Chemical Case What is your diagnosis of the situation? What actions would you recommend to the top management of Post Chemical?
Bottlenecks and Bridges Team A Team B Which team is likely to be more innovative? How effective is the coordination between the teams? Who are the most critical people likely to be in this diagram?
Why bottlenecks? Differentiation Integration Preference for interacting with those that are similar Inattention to informal structure
Diagnosing Bottlenecks Do groups have different objectives and goals orientations to time orientations to interpersonal relationships emphasis on formal vs. informal structures Are groups separated by time and space? Are people designated as official bridges? Is one person the sole bridge between groups? Are groups connected by e-mail, etc.? Are managers discouraged from crossing group boundaries? Are growth, globalization, restructuring creating a need for more integrative relationships?
Building Bridges Designate people as official bridges Emphasize information exchange Rotate personnel Get people into the field Encourage boundarylessness Build redundant ties Use facility design to induce interactions
Key Principles of Networking Reciprocity / Mutual benefits Breadth, non-redundance Social and cultural capital Making “friends” vs. making deals Networks as option platforms Efficient, effective learning Open networks offer greater access
Developing a Relationship Plan What are the strengths of my or my group’s network? What are the weaknesses of my or my group’s network? What actions should I take to build a more effective network for me or my group?