Being present every where at once. Word of the Day #4 Ubiquitous (adj.) Being present every where at once. There are some complicated issues to sort through before cars that drive themselves become ubiquitous.
Burgeon (v.) Word of the Day #10 to put forth new buds, leaves, or greenery; sprout to begin to grow or blossom to grow and flourish
Word of the Day #5 Adhere (v.) stick completely to a surface or substance believe in and follow the practices of She adhered to a certain set of standards.
Word of the Day #6 Aloof (adj.) Not friendly or forthcoming Cool and distant
Word of the Day #7 Anecdote (n.) A short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person
Word of the Day #8 Antagonize (v.) Cause someone to be hostile
Word of the Day #9 Arcane (adj.) Mysterious or secret
Word of the Day #10 Radical (adj.) Fundamental; basic Departing markedly from the usual; extreme Advocating fundamental or revolutionary changes (n.) One who advocates fundamental or revolutionary changes The protestors were considered to be radical.
Word of the Day #11 Admonish (v.) To caution or advise against something; to scold mildly; to remind of a duty The librarian had to admonish the noisy students several times before they settled down.
Word of the Day #12 Breach (n.) An opening, gap, rupture, rift; a violation or infraction (v.) To create an opening; break through Because of a serious breach of the rules, two players were ejected from the game. Our troops were unable to breach the enemy’s lines during the battle.
Word of the Day #13 Brigand (n.) A bandit, robber, outlaw, highwayman Ancient caravans passing through desolate areas were sometimes attacked by brigands.
Word of the Day #14 Circumspect (adj.) Careful; cautious It is important for a diplomat to behave in a manner that is both discreet and circumspect.
Word of the Day Differentiate (v.) to recognize what makes something or someone different or to make someone or something appear different To become different in the process of development
Word of the Day Engage (v.) to occupy or attract someone’s interest or attention To participate in somelthing
Word of the Day Imminent (adj.) About to happen
Word of the Day Inevitable (adj.) Unavoidable When used as a noun- a situation that is unavoidable Ex: I don’t want to be here when the inevitable occurs.
Word of the Day Intuition (n.) The ability to understand something before using conscious reasoning Something that one knows before thinking about it A “gut feeling”
Word of the Day Justify (v) To show or prove to be right To be a good reason for doing something