Objectives Review pass gate logic. What is the delay model for pass gates How is combinational logic implemented ? What is PLD and how is implemented Introduction to clocking and some storage elements What kind of Latches and Flip Flops available to us?
The calculator models are: Sharp EL-531 Casio FX-300MS .A sticker would be attached to a valid calculator. There are three ways that a student may obtain a sticker: 1) If they buy the correct model number from the bookstore the bookstore, will, on request, open the calculator wrapping and attach the sticker. This will only be done for calculators at the time of purchase, not ones that were bought previously. 2) They may goto the EV2-227. This office is generally open during business hours. A precise weekly schedule will be posted by Monday of each week for this location. 3) From April 7 to April 19, students may obtain stickers in H960. This location will be open from 8am to 10pm each weekday and from 8am to 6pm on Saturdays during this period. It will be closed on Sunday.