Title 1 Coordinators Mtg. August 30, 2017 Roscoe PD Center
Completing a Budget Adjustment When? Whenever you need to modify the school’s Title 1 budget. How? 1. Make sure what you want to do is allowable (Follow the Title 1 School Decision Making Process in PB Handbook) 2. Review with your Fiscal Specialist & Title 1 Coordinator 3. Present your proposal to School Site Council 4. If approved by SSC, complete a Budget Adjustment Request (SPSA Modification/Budget Signature Forms)
#1: SPSA Modification Enter all required Information including the reason Underline and bold budgeted items. Consult Program/ Budget Handbook for narratives of evidence based strategies/ expenditures
Do not forget signatures!
# 2: School Front End Enter SFE and “Adjust” amounts for items selected Positive and Negative $ Amounts will equal New Total Costs will be reflected Double check to make sure you have the correct Budget Item(s) and that those items are on your SPSA Modification
School Budget Signature Form State reason for Budget Adjustment Secure all signatures and dates
SPSA Modifications F.A.Q.s Do all Budget Adjustments require an SPSA Modification? Yes. Are you sure? When would I need an SPSA Modification but not a BAR? When you have a sufficient allocation next to a Budgeted Item in the SPSA but need to change the “specific” item When the allocation next to a specific item is not sufficient but your total allocation in all goals for that Line Item is sufficient
SPSA Modification F.A.Q. What happens to the Modification? After all signatures are secured, the Title 1 Coordinator will upload the SPSA Modification (and Budget Signature Forms if applicable) onto the Online SPSA template. What if my clerk or SAA needs a copy of the SPSA Modification for an order? Log onto the Online SPSA Template/Dashboard/Menu and go to SPSA Modification and download a copy
SPSA Modification F.A.Q.s What would a “compliant” SPSA Modification include? All required information entered including signatures/dates Key language such as: supplemental/supplement, at-risk students, beyond the regular assignment, additional support, grade level standards Complete a separate SPSA Modification for Non-Cap Equipment and General Supplies, Technology (also include per unit cost)
SPSA Modification Practice Create a SPSA Modification with the following criteria: $25,000 in Pending from a New Allocation Allocate money for at least 2 Budget Items Complete each column. Do not forget to use key terms. Add signatures Use sample SPSA Modifications, the Program and Budget HB and Estimated Rate Sheets as needed. Share out.