BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Performing Arts 360 Guided Learning Hours (GLH)
What do we do on the course? The course is made up of 4 units 3 units are mandatory, 1 is optional (we will select this based on who is in the class and what sort of skills we want to develop)
UNIT 1 Investigating Practitioners’ Work (90 GLH) Investigating the work of performing arts practitioners Developing critical analysis skills and contextual understanding of how practitioners communicate themes in their work.
UNIT 1 Investigating Practitioners’ Work (90 GLH) For Assessment from January 2019 onwards This mandatory unit will be assessed through a task and completed under supervised conditions. The task is formed of two parts, Part A and Part B. Part A will be issued to learners four weeks before the timetabled session for Part B. Part B is taken under supervised conditions in a single session of 3 hours timetabled by Pearson. The assessment availability is December/January and May/June each year.
WORK FOR SUMMER TO PREPARE YOU FOR THIS UNIT: NOTES SHOULD INCLUDE: Their style – what is it? How is it used in theatre today? How was it used when it first originated? How did it change things? Examples of their work – this can include articles and YouTube clips Read up on and create a presentation on: Steven Berkoff Bertolt Brecht DV8 Frantic Assembly Kneehigh Stanislavski
UNIT 2 Developing Skills and Techniques for Live Performance (90 GLH) Exploring technical performance skills with a focus on developing skills and techniques in at least two performance styles In this unit you will: A Understand the role and skills of a performer B Develop performance skills and techniques for live performance C Apply performance skills and techniques in selected styles D Review and reflect on development of skills and techniques for live performance
WORK FOR SUMMER TO PREPARE YOU FOR THIS UNIT: Read up on and make notes on: Voice – warm up exercises and techniques useful for actors / singers – be prepared to demonstrate these!!! Body – as above. PLEASE FIND AT LEAST 3 OF EACH NOTES SHOULD INCLUDE: A Breakdown of how to do the exercise Diagrams if needed YouTube clips if needed Music if needed
UNIT 3 Group Performance Workshop (120 GLH) Exploring and integrating creative, physical and vocal skills and techniques, working collaboratively to create a performance in response to a given stimulus.
UNIT 3 Group Performance Workshop (120 GLH) Summary of assessment This mandatory unit will be assessed through a task worth 60 marks and completed under supervised conditions. The supervised assessment period will be completed in five hours Before the assessment period, you will have the opportunity to prepare for the development and completion of the group performance and your digital process log. For assessment, you will be given a stimulus to create performance material. In groups that consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of seven members, you will respond to the stimulus and develop the performance workshop for an invited audience. You will submit a digital process log completed at four milestone stages during the development process, responding to prompts provided by Pearson, and a video recording of the group workshop performance, between 10 and 20 minutes in duration. The assessment availability is May/June only. The first assessment is May/June 2017
WORK FOR SUMMER TO PREPARE YOU FOR THIS UNIT: Respond to this Stimulus YOU NEED TO: Brainstorm words that you associate with this picture Develop some ideas for some of the words – character, situation etc Develop ONE idea in a story line – what other characters could be included? What style of theatre would you use? What music would you use? Create a 5 page script based on your ideas. Be prepared to share with us all!
WORK FOR SUMMER TO PREPARE YOU FOR THIS UNIT: Respond to the issue of gender discrimination / inequality in the world of theatre Write a speech that is educational and that explores how women are treated differently to men. Your speech should be at least two minutes long and have a clear argument and conclusion. YOU NEED TO: Include facts / statistics / quotes from interviews / video clips Use a Brechtian style of theatre to EDUCATE the audience Make a list of all of the resources you use, including music – this will be your BIBLIOGRAPHY Create a script based on your ideas. Be prepared to share with us all!
OPTIONAL UNITS TO CHOOSE FROM. (ALL 60 GLH) 8 Classical Ballet Technique 9 Tap Dance Technique 10 Jazz Dance Technique 11 Street Dance Technique 12 Contemporary Dance Technique 18 Interpreting Classical Text for Performance 19 Acting Styles 20 Developing the Voice for Performance 21 Improvisation 22 Movement in Performance 27 Musical Theatre Techniques 28 Variety Performance
ALL of the optional units are performance based ALL of the optional units are performance based. You will learn about the style, develop your craft and rehearse rehearse rehearse! You will perform at the end of the unit for an audience.
How are the units assessed? OPTIONAL UNITS ARE ALL INTERNALLY ASSESSED Unit Number Unit Title GLH Type How Assessed 1 Investigating Practitioners’ Work 90 Mandatory and Synoptic External 2 Developing Skills and Techniques for Live Performance Mandatory Internal 3 Group Performance Workshop 120 OPTIONAL UNITS ARE ALL INTERNALLY ASSESSED
EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT OUTLINE Unit Type When Unit 1: Investigating Practitioners’ Work Task set and marked by Pearson and completed under supervised conditions. • Four weeks prior to the supervised assessment period, learners will be provided with the set task booklet for a four week term time period in order to carry out investigation and critical analysis. • The set task will be completed in three hours within the period timetabled by Pearson. • 60 marks. Dec/Jan and May/June • Task set and marked by Pearson consisting of Part A and Part B. • Four weeks prior to the supervised assessment period, learners will be provided with Part A for a four week term time period in order to carry out investigation and critical analysis. • Part B will be completed in three hours on a date timetabled by Pearson. For assessment from January 2019 onwards
EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT OUTLINE Unit Type When Unit 3: Group Performance Workshop Task set and marked by Pearson and completed under supervised conditions. • Learners will be provided with the set task booklet in January in order to prepare for the development and completion of the group performance and their digital process log. • The final evidence will be completed in 5 hours under supervised conditions in a number of sessions arranged by the centre within the period timetabled by Pearson. • 60 marks. May/June from 2017 onwards
WHAT DO I NEED TO DO? Visit and familiarise yourself with the specification Complete the tasks on the PowerPoint – there are 3 – one for each of the mandatory units Ensure that ALL work is completed for the first lesson back. We want to see that you have used your time well and that you have a thirst for the subjects and are raring to go! TRY to go and see a play / musical over the summer. Theatres all over London have tickets for £5 for students / under 18s – make the most of it!!! The more theatre you see, the more informed you will be and the more ideas you can steal!
USEFUL WEBSITES - this is a newspaper for the Performing Arts industry. Sign up and keep in the loop with what is going on! – this is a really interesting documentary on how theatre has changed across the years- REALLY interesting! There are 6 parts. Have a look. - this is BASIC but might help to focus you on the stimulus task