Periodontal characteristics of vascular Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (vEDS). Periodontal characteristics of vascular Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (vEDS). Both gingival and oral mucosa appear very thin (A). Oral mucosa showed signs of spontaneous intramucosal bleeding as a likely consequence of increased fragility. Periodontal probing provoked excessive gingival bleeding (B). Assessment of gingival thinness was made by measuring levels of translucency on a scaled probe (C). Papyraceous aspect of the gingival tissue under periodontal probe pressure and decreased stippling (D). Comparison of gingival thinness (E) and gingival bleeding on probing (F) in patients with vEDS and healthy controls. ****p<0.001. François Côme Ferré et al. BMJ Open 2012;2:e000705 ©2012 by British Medical Journal Publishing Group