<Researcher Names> Semi-Annual Meeting November 10-11, 2016


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Presentation transcript:

<Researcher Names> Semi-Annual Meeting November 10-11, 2016 NSF Center for GRid-connected Advanced Power Electronic Systems (GRAPES) GR-XX-XX <PROJECT NAME> <Researcher Names> Semi-Annual Meeting November 10-11, 2016

Anticipated Project Dates PI Names Overall Project Budget Project Overview 2 Anticipated Project Dates PI Names Overall Project Budget

Insert slides for technical information here. Don’t forget to mention Technical Slides Insert slides for technical information here. Don’t forget to mention Where does this fit into the strategic plan? Why is this relevant to our IAB? Where are the power electronics? Expected deliverables including students, publications, patents, copyrights, technology transfer

Broader Impact of the Project How will this work influence or contribute to the work being done by GRAPES? What will this work lead to?