Educational Stability Jannette Sanchez,DFPS (956)607-7514 Cell Education Specialist Region 11
DFPS Regional Map
Refresher on TEC Immediate school enrollment - TEC 25.002 :REQUIREMENTS FOR ENROLLMENT (g) A school district shall accept a child for enrollment in a public school without the documentation required by Subsection (a) if the Department of Family and Protective Services has taken possession of the child under Chapter 262, Family Code. The Department of Family and Protective Services shall ensure that the documentation required by Subsection (a) is furnished to the school district not later than the 30th day after the date the child is enrolled in the school. Timely Records transfer - TEC 25.002(a-1) :school records for students in foster care are transferred to the new school not later than the 14th day after the date the student begins enrollment School of Origin- TEC 25.001 (g) Child entering care may remain in the same public school he or she was attending at the time of removal even if foster placement is outside the district's attendance area, may remain until completes highest grade at school, Without payment of tuition, and may remain even if child leaves conservatorship School Of Origin- TEC 25.001 (g1): Once in care, can continue to attend school enrolled in after came into foster care, regardless of placement changes, May remain until completes highest grade at school, Without payment of tuition, May remain even if child leaves conservatorship.
TEC Continued Free eligibility for PRE-K - TEC 29.153:any child who has been in the conservatorship of DFPS is eligible regardless if returned home or adopted. CPS Education Specialist Issues out Verification Letter Accelerated Instruction (At-risk indicators and Compensatory Education) - TEC 29.081 (Code #11) School District Foster Care Liaisons TEC 33.904:Each school district shall appoint at least one employee to act as a liaison officer to facilitate the enrollment in or transfer to a public school of a child in the district who is in the conservatorship of the state. Free College Tuition & Fee Waiver – TEC 54.366 TEA to assist the transition from one school to another of students in foster care - TEC 25.007 Excused Absences TEC 25.087 (b) to clarify that children and youth in the conservatorship of DFPS are excused from attending school if participating in an activity: Ordered by the court, Required in a service plan developed pursuant to TFC Chapter 263 Notification of Education Events- TEC 25.007 (b) (9) to require that, in addition to school districts, campuses and open-enrollment charter schools must notify the child’s education decision-maker and caseworker about events that may significantly impact the education of the child
Foster Care Student Success Guide Online Interactive PDF available for download: FREE:
Statistic on foster students There are 1,270 school aged children in conservatorship in Region 11 802 children are currently enrolled under Region One ESC schools September 2016 DFPS Region 11 had 129 children who came into care Hidalgo: 44 children Cameron: 12 STARR:1 WEBB: 10
DFPS Policy on Education DFPS is committed to meeting the educational needs and goals for children in substitute care. Education contributes to the overall well-being of a child academically, emotionally, and socially. Positive school experiences can help a child overcome some effects of abuse and neglect and in successfully transitioning to adulthood.
College Tuition & Fee Waiver A student is exempt from the payment of tuition and fees at any TEXAS public university or college if they were in care: •The day preceding the student's 18th birthday; •The day of the student's 14th birthday, if the student was also eligible for adoption on or after that day; •The day the student graduated from high school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma; •The day the student was adopted if that date is on or after September 1, 2009; •The day permanent managing conservatorship of the student was grant to an individual other than the student's parent, if that date is on or after September 1, 2009; or •If the student enrolls in a dual credit course or other course which a high-school student may earn joint high school and college credit, and is in conservatorship on the day of enrollment. •A youth age 14 or older on or after June 1, 2016 that subsequently exits DFPS's permanent managing conservatorship to the legal responsibility of the parent; or •A youth age 16 or older on or after June 1, 2016 that subsequently exits DFPS's temporary managing conservatorship to the legal responsibility of the parent. **The student must enroll as an undergraduate not later than the student's 25th birthday.
Foster Care Ombudsman The Foster Care Ombudsman help youth currently in foster care (up to age 18) with any health and human services (HHS) program or service. Anything shared with them is confidential, and will only be shared if permission is given. How can the Foster Care Ombudsman help: Our team helps youth currently in foster care (up to age 18) get answers to questions and assists in resolving complaints about HHS programs. Our help includes: Making sure youth understand their rights while in foster care Reviewing a youth's concerns about case specific questions and complaints; and With a youth's permission, working with other people to improve their care. Call:1-844-286-0769 (toll-free) 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday
Care Portal The Care Portal is a faith based organization that connects local church’s to local children and families in crisis. How it Work? CPS identifies a Need (crib, clothing, food) The Church is Informed of the Need The Church answer the Call RGV Local Care Portal Kickoff was on 11/4/16
Texas Youth Connection was specifically designed by and created for current and former foster youth that were part of Texas Child Protective Services (CPS). CPS provides Transitional Living Services through programs that youth may be familiar with and need more information about. Website offers information on: Education Training Voucher (ETV), Transitional Living Services, Extended Foster Care/Supervised Independent Living, State College Tuition and Fee Waiver, Former Foster Children Medicaid Program and Case Records.
November is Adoption Awareness Month November 19, is National Adoption Day Texas Adoption Day: GOVERNMENT CODE, TITLE 6, SUBTITLE B, CHAPTER 662 added by Acts 2007, 80th Legislature, Sec. 662.053 TEXAS ADOPTION DAY (a) The Saturday before Thanksgiving Day of each year is Texas Adoption Day to celebrate and encourage adoption, adoptive families, and adoption workers in Texas. (b) Texas Adoption Day shall be regularly observed by appropriate ceremonies and activities that encourage participation in and raise awareness about the adoption process and that honor adoptive families and adoption workers in Texas. (c) The Department of Family and Protective Services shall create a statewide awareness campaign to promote Texas Adoption Day and shall coordinate ceremonies and activities held throughout the state.
Thank you!!