Current possibilities of the WISE system WISE Workshop Paris 12th November 2008 Stefan Jensen
What is the WISE system? Input side Reportnet for Streamlining reporting Improved quality control Providing links to other WISE providers e.g. Eurostat
What is the WISE system? Internal EU work Producing EU GIS reference data sets Large rivers River basin districts (RBDs) Main rivers and lakes Subunits and RBDs Thematic: Groundwater reference layer Nitrate vulnerable zones ...
What is the WISE system? Output side WISE portal EEA water themes and data web site Thematic map viewing, support of indicators Provision of data Provison of services >
WISE reporting - WFD Art 5 - Bulgaria
WISE reporting – WFD Art 8 - Greece
WISE reporting – Bathing water Dir - All
WISE reporting – Nitrates directive
WISE reporting - Nitrates Dir - Poland
WISE reporting - QA Nitrates Dir - Finland
Summary - WISE reporting Reportnet available for all WISE related Reporting (for UWWT in 2009) WISE GIS (reporting) guidance published to support future reporting late 2008
Producing GIS reference data sets Facing many issues: Understanding of reporting guidance Heterogenity of national deliveries Difficulties of harmonisation Mapping of coding / unified coding ...
WISE ”entry” portal
EEA water thematic pages
WISE map viewing – Update 10.10.2008
WISE map viewing – Example WISE SoE
WISE map viewing – NEW - Groundwater
WISE map viewing – NEW - Transitional and Coastal
WISE map viewing – New - Urban Waste Water
visualise water quality indicators What are the state of Europe’s waters How is it? (Nutrients, pesticides, heavy metals, ecological quality..............) Maps, country and river basins comparisons etc. Time trends Getting better or worse? Time trend graphs, percentage of stations with decreasing, stable concentration.
EEA CSI19:Oxygen consuming substances in rivers (Latest update July 2008) www BOD: Biological Oxygen Demand NH4: Total ammonium Overall EEA trend 1992-2006 – around 2000 river stations Country level and trend (2001-06) – 24-27 countries
EEA CSI20:Nutrients in freshwater (Latest update February 2008) www Rivers, lakes and groundwater Nitrogen (nitrate) Phosphorus Trend and level for European regions (North, Eastern and Western)
EEA CSI20:Nutrients in freshwater (Latest update February 2008) www Country comparison (e.g. % of river stations in different classes (all (46) Norwegian river stations have nitrate concentration in the blue/lowest class) Wise maps Not the best way of illustrating country differences
WISE maps Pie chart by country % rivers in different water quality classes CSI19 Oxygen consuming substances Mean annual BOD in rivers Mean annual Total Ammonium in rivers CSI20 Nutrients in freshwater Mean annual Nitrates in rivers Mean annual Orthophosphate in rivers Mean annual Total Phosphorous in lakes River Basin Districts Average concentration River stations Latest year
New WISE maps showing trends per RBD (remark not quality assured) Proportion of stations River Basin District showing decreasing (blue/green), stable and increasing (yellow, red) nitrate concentration over the period 1990 to 2006 National RBDs – more than 7 years in the period 1990-2006
Services: linking to others providers Hooked up to GAIA Open source client via WMS (prototype)
Services: Data download via EEA dataservice
Services: Data download and viewing via EEA dataservice
Services: General viewing via Google maps
Services: Public participation
Services: Public participation via Eyeonearth
Thank you for your attention! Please explore WISE at Or Or WISE data at