BACS Laws And Acts Applications of ICT Communications Business Practice People in the Workplace
Applications of ICT Storage and Input devices Output Devices Common Computer Systems Capabilities Of Systems Call centres Applications of ICT Storage Devices E Commerce Filing Accuracy Software Presentation
Voice Recognition Software Barcode Reader Mouse Keyboard Digital Camera Input devices Web Camera Scanner Voice Recognition Software
Monitor Printer Output Devices Projector
Storage Devices CD Read Write Drives Disks Hard, Floppy, DVD CD Read Write Drives Disks Hard, Floppy, DVD Storage Devices Zip Drives
Software Processing, Database Planning and Word E-mail, Desktop Publishing Spreadsheet Mail merge Graphics Software Diaries Web browser Presentations
E Commerce Web stores Encryption On line banking shopping sales Encryption On line banking shopping sales E Commerce marketing Security E procurement legal travel
Presentation Tables Letters Spreadsheets margins Justification Tables Letters Spreadsheets Presentation margins Justification Text and images Data presentation
Editing Consistency Checking Consistent Accuracy Readable
Storage and File Folders / Extensions File names Filing Directories
Common Computer Systems laptops Desk Tops Common Computer Systems Networks PDA Personal Digital Assistant Palmtops
Ring Local Area Network Networks Wide Area Network Star Bus
Business Practice Manual and Electronic Filing Planning and organising Impact of Change Security and Confidentiality
Laws And Acts Health and Safety at work Employment Rights Sex Discrimination Computer Misuse Act Copyright Laws Equal Pay Acts Laws And Acts Display Screen Directive Data Protection Act Sale Of Goods Act Working Time Regulations
Procedures Purpose and Method Communications Equipment
People in the Workplace Incentives Wages and Salaries Welfare People in the Workplace Rights and Responsibilities Job Roles Policies and Practices Training
Marketing Sales Call centres Problems
Capabilities Of Systems Fitness for purpose Capabilities Of Systems Cost Health and Safety Environmental factors
Laser Inkjet Printer Dot Matrix Plotter
Individual allowed access Obtained Lawfully Accurate Only relevant Not outside the EU Not too long Data Protection Act Secure the data Individual allowed access Do not disclose
Non Financial incentives Profit sharing Incentives Incentives Bonuses
Wages and Salaries Minimum wage Tax National Insurance Methods of payment Salary slips
benefits Social clubs Welfare Redundancy or retirement
Division of work Changing relationships Functions of managers and supervisors and operatives Job Roles teams Hierarchical and flat
On the job Informal Training Off the job Formal
Policies and Practices emergencies Use safety Policies and Practices Consultation and grievance Personal presentation
Rights and Responsibilities Laws
Planning and organising Benefits of careful planning travel Planning and organising Formal and informal agenda Action points
Alphabetical Disadvantages in a situation Manual and Electronic Filing Numerical Advantages in a situation
Impact of Change Multi skilled re-skilled Core and temporary staff Tele-working Job share, flexible working
Laws Access levels Security and Confidentiality Back up Anti virus Firewalls
Purpose and Method Purpose of communication Methods disadvantages Benefits Effective Communication Failure of communication
Brochures leaflets E mail Text messages Methods Reports Letters
Procedures Different ways of doing things Examples of different procedures
Equipment Bulletin Public Address Board Telephone Web phones Mobile phone