Literature Paper 2 – Modern texts and Poetry Time management across the paper is good Task focus has improved significantly Structure of responses was more purposeful with introductions framing the answer – thesis driving the argument References in a variety of forms helps students shape their personal response (not only direct quotations) The central idea in the task is being focused on more, rather than one quotations paragraphs Students focusing on the writer as the maker of the text helped students achieve AO2 marks The focus on the key words in the question enabled students to achieve a much better focus on context and the ‘bold on’ context was in decline
Literature Paper 2 Animal Farm Engaged thoroughly with the question Context as an embedded seamless part of the essay was still difficult Best answers explored the relevance of author’s intentions as well as relevance to modern day Anthology Text comparison choice either helped or hindered students – overly complicated choice made it difficult to answer the question well Idea led analysis provided better quality answers than method led analysis Subject terms not linked to meaning were still embedded in responses, therefore avoid leading with terminology Meaning and ideas focused responses were better Rigid essay structures hinder students – avoid shaping essays round language/structure/form as this proved too difficult Focus on the question made it easier to embed context
Literature Paper 2 Unseen Poetry Students simply responding to the poems did well Timing of the exam accurately was useful in the Unseen section Meaning and methods were analysed effectively In the comparison: students who read the question carefully did well Narrative focus was less successful Students who focused on 2 or 3 methods to create meaning did well Time management is paramount in this final question Lessons from Paper 2: Timing for Unseen a must, meaning, idea, theme driven responses with context embedded work best, no set structure for the essays, thesis introductions that drive the argument work best, focus on ideas and avoid feature spotting, avoid squeezing in obscure context instead focus on the key idea in the task.