Chapter 4 Objectives Define basic prefixes used in the medical language Analyze medical terms that combine prefixes & other word elements Learn about the Rh as an example of an antigen- antibody reaction.
Prefixes Chapter 4 Pages 109 – 138
Page 110 Combining Forms Meaning carp/o cis/o cost/o cutane/o dactyl/o duct/o flex/o gloss/o glyc/o immun/o morph/o wrist bones to cut rib skin fingers, toes to lead, carry to bend tongue sugar protection shape, form
Combining Forms (Cont’d) Page 110 Combining Forms (Cont’d) Meaning mort/o nat/i norm/o ox/o pub/o seps/o somn/o son/o the/o thel/o, theli/o death birth rule, order oxygen pubis; anterior portion of pelvic or hipbone infection sleep sound to put, place nipple
Combining Forms (Cont’d) Page 110 Combining Forms (Cont’d) Meaning thyr/o top/o tox/o trache/o urethr/o thyroid gland; shield place, position, location poison windpipe, trachea urethra
Page 111 Suffixes Meaning -blast -crine -drome -fusion -gea -lapse -lysis -meter -mission -or -oxia embryonic, immature to secrete to run coming together; to pour substance that produces to slide, fall, sag breakdown, destruction, separation to measure to send one who oxygen
Suffixes (Cont’d) Page 111 Meaning -partum -phoria -physis -plasia -plasm -pnea -ptosis -rrhea -stasis -trophy birth, labor to bear, carry; feeling to grow development, formation, growth structure or formation breathing falling, dropping, prolapse flow, discharge stopping, controlling development, nourishment
Prefixes Pages 111 – 113 a-, an- ab- ad- ana- ante- anti- auto- bi- Prefix Meaning Example a-, an- ab- ad- ana- ante- anti- auto- bi- no, not, without away from toward up, apart before, forward against self, own two apnea, anoxia abnormal, abductor adductor, adrenal glands anabolism, analysis ante cibum, anteflexion, antepartum antibiotic, antibody, antigen, antisepsis, antitoxin autoimmune disease bifurcation, bilateral APNEA (ĂP-nē-ă or ăp-NĒ-ă) Without breathing ANOXIA (ă-NŎK-sē-ă) Without oxygen ABNORMAL (ăb-NŌR-măl) Pertaining to away from the norm ABDUCTOR (ăb-DŬK-tŏr) A muscle that draws a limb away from the body. HINT: Notice that in abductor, the b faces away from the a. ADDUCTOR (ă-DŬK-tŏr) A muscle that draws a limb toward the body. HINT: Notice that in adductor, the d faces toward the a. ADRENAL GLANDS (ă-DRĒ-năl glăndz) These endocrine glands are found above the kidney. See Figure 4-1. ANABOLISM (ă-NĂ-bō-lĭzm) Process of building up proteins in cells ANALYSIS (ă-NĂL-ĭ-sĭs) Separation of a substance into various parts – Urinalysis (urin/o + [an]/alysis) is a laboratory examination of urine that aids in the diagnosis of many medical conditions. In this term, -lysis means separation. ANTE CIBUM (ĂN-tē SĒ-bŭm) Before meals – The word cibum means meals. The notation a.c., seen on prescription orders, means before meals. You can guess that p.c. means after (post) meals. ANTEFLEXION (ăn-tē-FLĔK-shŭn) Bending forward ANTEPARTUM (ăn-tē-PĂR-tŭm) Before birth ANTIBIOTIC (ăn-tĭ-bī-ŎT-ĭk) Against life (germ life); antibiotics are drugs given to destroy or inhibit the growth of bacteria – Penicillin was the first antibiotic discovered in immature plants called molds, and was in widespread use by the 1940s. In early 2015, a new antibiotic called teixobactin was discovered. It has shown activity against antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. ANTIBODY (ĂN-tĭ-bŏd-ē) Proteins made by white blood cells to destroy antigens ANTIGEN (ĂN-tĭ-jĕn) Substance (protein) that stimulates the production of antibodies ANTISEPSIS (ăn-tĭ-SĔP-sĭs) Destruction of microorganisms to prevent infection – An antiseptic (-sis changes to -tic to form an adjective) substance fights infection. ANTITOXIN (ăn-tĭ-TŎK-sĭn) This is an antibody, often from an animal (such as a horse), that acts against a toxin. An example is tetanus antitoxin given against tetanus, an acute bacterial infection of the nervous system. AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE (ăw-tō-ĭ-MŪN dĭ-ZĒZ) Antibodies that are produced against an individual's own normal cells BIFURCATION (bī-fŭr-KĀ-shŭn) Branching or forking into two parts – The root furc means branching or forking. BILATERAL (bī-LĂT-ĕr-ăl) Pertaining to both or two sides
Prefixes (Cont’d) Page 113 brady- cata- con- slow down with, together Prefix Meaning Example brady- cata- con- slow down with, together bradycardia catabolism congenital anomaly, connective tissue BRADYCARDIA (brăd-ē-KĂR-dē-ă) Slow heart beat, usually less than 60 beats per minute – Tachycardia (tachy- means fast) is a pulse of more than 100 beats per minute. catabolism (kă-TĂB-ō-lĭzm) Process of casting down materials (sugar) to release energy in cells CONGENITAL ANOMALY (kŏn-JĔN-ĭ-tăl ă-NŎM-ă-lē) an irregularity in a structure or organ that an infant is born with; birth defect. Some are caused by hereditary (passed to the infant through chromosomes from the father or mother, or both), others are produced by factors present during pregnancy. EXAMPLES: Heart defects; clubbed feet (Picture A) and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (picture B)- Distinctive facial features, learning disabilities, bone and joint deformities, heart defects, and hyperactivity are some symptoms. CONNECTIVE TISSUE (kŏn-NĔK-tĭv TĬ-shū) Tissue that supports and binds other tissues and body parts; examples are bones, cartilage, muscle, or fibrous tissues – The root nect means to tie or bind.
Prefixes (Cont’d) Pages 114 – 115 contra- de- dia- dys- ec- endo- Prefix Meaning Example contra- de- dia- dys- ec- endo- against, opposite down, lack of through, complete bad, painful, difficult, abnormal out, outside in, within contraindication, contralateral dehydration diameter, diarrhea, dialysis dyspnea, dysentery, dysplasia ectopic pregnancy endocardium, endoscope, endotracheal CONTRAINDICATION (kŏn-tră-ĭn-dĭ-KĀ-shŭn) A factor that prohibits the administration of a drug or procedure in the care of a patient – Contra- means against in this term. CONTRALATERAL (kŏn-tră-LĂT-ĕr-ăl) Affecting the opposite side of a part of the body – Contra- means opposite in this term. A stroke affecting the right side of the brain may cause contralateral paralysis affecting the left arm and leg. The opposite of contralateral is ipsilateral. (ipsi- means same). DEHYDRATION (dē-hī-DRĀ-shŭn) Excessive loss of water DIAMETER (dī-ĂM-ĭ-tĕr) Distance between opposite parts on the circumference of a structure DIARRHEA (dī-ă-RĒ-ă) Diarrhea is the frequent passage of watery, loose stools DIALYSIS (dī-ĂL-ĭ-sĭs) Separation of nitrogenous wastes from the blood when the kidneys no longer function – Literal meaning is complete (dia-) separation (-lysis). In hemodialysis, waste materials are separated from the blood via a machine (artificial kidney) when the kidneys no longer function. See Figure 7-15 for an illustration of hemodialysis. DYSPNEA (DĬSP-nē-ă or dĭsp-NĒ-ă) Difficult breathing – Often caused by respiratory or cardiac conditions, strenuous exercise, or anxiety. DYSENTERY (DĬS-ĕn-tĕ-rē) Inflammation of the intestine causing diarrhea with blood DYSPLASIA (dĭs-PLĀ-zē-ă) Condition of abnormal formation ECTOPIC PREGNANCY (ĕk-TŎP-ĭk PRĔG-năn-sē) A pregnancy that is outside the uterus. See Figure 4-2. ENDOCARDIUM (ĕn-dō-KĂR-dē-ŭm) The inner lining of the heart ENDOSCOPE (ĔN-dō-skōp) Instrument to visually examine within the body; bronchoscope ENDOTRACHEAL (ĕn-dō-TRĀ-kē-ăl) Pertaining to within the trachea – An endotracheal tube, placed through the mouth into the trachea, is used for giving oxygen and in general anesthesia procedures.
Prefixes (Cont’d) Pages 115 – 116 Prefix Meaning Example epi- eu- ex- hemi- hyper- hypo- in- infra- upon, on, above good, normal out, outside half excessive, above deficient, under not into, within beneath, under epithelium euphoria, euthyroid exophthalmos hemiglossectomy hyperglycemia, hyperplasia, hypertrophy hypodermic injection, hypoglycemia insomniac incision infracostal EPITHELIUM (ĕp-ĭ-THĒ-lē-ŭm) Layer of cells covering the external surface of the body and lining the hollow tubes within the body EUPHORIA (ū-FŎR-ē-ă) Condition of exaggerated well-being (''good feeling'') EUTHYROID (ū-THĪ-royd) Normal thyroid function EXOPHTHALMOS (ĕk-sŏf-THĂL-mŏs) Eyeballs that protrude from their sockets; associated with hyperthyroidism; also called proptosis (pro- = forward, -ptosis = prolapse). HEMIGLOSSECTOMY (hĕm-ē-glŏs-SĔK-tō-mē) Removal (resection) of half the tongue HYPERGLYCEMIA (hī-pĕr-glī-SĒ-mē-ă) Condition of excessive or high blood pressure; indicator of diabetes mellitus HYPERPLASIA (hī-pĕr-PLĀ-zē-ă) Condition of increased formation of cells – It is a characteristic of tumor growth. HYPERTROPHY (hī-PĔR-trō-fē)– Increase in size of individual cells. Muscle, cardiac, and renal cells exhibit hypertrophy when workload is increased. HYPODERMIC INJECTION (hī-pō-DĔR-mĭk ĭn-JĔK-shŭn) Placement of a needle below the skin HYPOGLYCEMIA (hī-pō-glī-SĒ-mē-ă) Condition of decreased sugar in the blood; low blood sugar INSOMNIAC (ĭn-SŎM-nē-ăk) Pertaining to without sleep; an insomniac is a person who cannot sleep INCISION (ĭn-SĬZ-Ŏn) Process of cutting into; sectioning INFRACOSTAL (ĭn-fră-KŎS-tăl) Pertaining to below the ribs
Prefixes (Cont’d) Pages 116 – 117 Prefix Meaning Example inter- intra- macro- mal- meta- micro-neo- pan- para- between in, within, into large bad beyond, change small new all abnormal, beside, near intercostal intravenous macrocephaly malaise, malignant metacarpal bones, metamorphosis, metastasis microscope neonatal, neoplasm pancytopenia paralysis, parathyroid glands INTERCOSTAL (ĭn-tĕr-KŎS-tăl) Pertaining to between the ribs – Intercostal muscles lie between adjacent ribs. INTRAVENOUS (ĭn-tră-VĒ-nŭs) Pertaining to within a vein MACROCEPHALY (măk-rō-SĔF-ă-lē) Condition of a larger than normal head – This is a congenital anomaly. MALAISE (măl-ĀZ) General feeling of bodily discomfort – This is a French word meaning discomfort. It is a symptom of illness often marking the onset of a disease. MALIGNANT (mă-LĬG-nănt) Cancerous; harmful – From the Latin ignis, meaning fire. BENIGN (bē-NĪN) (ben- = good) is noncancerous. METACARPAL BONES (mĕ-tă-KĂR-păl bōnz) The five hand bones lie beyond the wrist bones but before the finger bones (phalanges). METAMORPHOSIS (mĕt-ă-MŎR-fŏ-sĭs) Condition of change of shape or form – Meta- means change in this term. EXAMPLES:The change in development from the larval (caterpillar) stage to the adult (butterfly). Embryonic (immature) stem cells spontaneously change to form different types of mature cells. METASTASIS (mĕ-TĂS-tă-sĭs) Spread of a malignant tumor beyond its original location to a distant site – Meta- = beyond & -stasis = controlling, stopping. MICROSCOPE (MĪ-krō-skōp) Instrument to view small projects NEONATAL (nē-ō-NĀ-tăl) Pertaining to a newborn infant [birth to 28 days] NEOPLASM (NĒ-ō-plăzm) New growth [may be benign or malignant] PANCYTOPENIA (păn-sī-tō-PĒ-nē-ă) Deficiency of all blood cells [erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes] PARALYSIS (pă-RĂL-ĭ-sĭs) Destruction of nerve tissue leading to loss of sensation or motion in a part of the body – (occurring in stroke patients). PARATHYROID GLANDS (păr-ă-THĪ-royd glănz) Four endocrine glands on the posterior (dorsal) region of the thyroid gland. They secrete a hormone that regulates the calcium levels in blood and tissues. – Para- means beside.
Prefixes (Cont’d) Pages 117 – 118 Prefix Meaning Example per- peri- poly- post- pre- pro-, pros- re- retro- through surrounding many, much after, behind before, in front of before, forward back, again behind, backward percutaneous pericardium, periosteum polymorphonuclear, polyneuritis postmortem, postpartum precancerous, prenatal prodrome, prolapse, prosthesis relapse, remission, recombinant DNA retroperitoneal, retroflexion PERCUTANEOUS (pĕr-kū-TĀ-nē-ŭs) Pertaining to through the skin PERICARDIUM (pĕ-rē-KAR-dē-ŭm) Membrane surrounding the heart PERIOSTEUM (pĕr-ē-ŎS-tē-ŭm) Membrane surrounding a bone POLYMORPHONUCLEAR (pŏl-ĕ-mŏr-fō-NŪ-klē-ăr) Pertaining to a nucleus with several or many shapes; polymorphonuclear leukocytes are white blood cells with a multilobed nucleus POLYNEURITIS (pŏl-ē-nū-RĪ-tĭs) Inflammation of many nerves POSTMORTEM (pōst-MŎR-tĕm) After death POSTPARTUM (pōst-PĂR-tŭm) After birth PRECANCEROUS (prē-KĂN-sĕr-ŭs) Pertaining to occurring before a malignant condition PRENATAL (prē-NĀ-tăl) Pertaining to before birth PRODROME (PRŌ-drōm) Symptom that appears before the onset of a more serious an illness; an example of a prodrome is an altered mood, fatigue, flashes of light, or stiff muscles may accompany the prodromal migraine aura that occurs before the actual headache. PROLAPSE (PRŌ-lăps) Sliding forward or downward – The suffix -lapse means to slide, sag, or fall. See Figure 4-3. PROSTHESIS (prŏs-THĒ-sĭs) Artificial limb. Figure 4-4 shows Amy Palmiero-Winters running with a prosthetic leg. RELAPSE (RĒ-lăps) recurrence of symptoms or decline after apparent recovery. REMISSION (rē-MĬ-shŭn) disappearance of disease symptoms – Signs and symptoms lessen and the patient feels better. Remission may be spontaneous or the result of treatment. In some cases, a permanent remission means the disease is cured. RECOMBINANT DNA (rē-KŎM-bĭ-nănt DNA) Insertion of a gene (region of DNA) from an organism into the DNA of another organism – Genetic engineering uses recombinant DNA techniques. EXAMPLE: The gene that codes for insulin is cut out of a human chromosome & transferred into a bacterium, such as Escherichia coli (E. coli). The bacterium then contains the gene for making human insulin &, because it multiplies very rapidly, can produce insulin in large quantities. Diabetic patients, unable to make their own insulin, can use this synthetic product. RETROPERITONEAL (rĕt-rō-pĕr-ĭ-tō-NĒ-ăl) Pertaining to behind the peritoneum (membrane surrounding the abdominal cavity) RETROFLEXION (rĕt-rō-FLĔK-shŭn) Bending backward – An abnormal position of an organ, such as the uterus, bent or tilted backward.
Prefixes (Cont’d) Pages 118 – 120 sub- supra- syn-, sym- tachy- under Prefix Meaning Example sub- supra- syn-, sym- tachy- under above, upper together, with fast subcutaneous suprapubic syndactyly, synthesis, syndrome, symbiosis, symmetry, symptom, symphysis tachypnea SUBCUTANEOUS (sŭb-kū-TĀ-nē-ŭs) Pertaining to under the skin SUPRAPUBIC (sū-pră-PŪ-bĭk) Pertaining to above the pelvic bone – The pubis is one of a pair of pubic bones that forms the anterior part of the pelvic (hip) bone. Pubic bones are pictured in Figure 4-6. SYNDACTYLY (sĭn-DĂK-tĭ-lē) Fusion of fingers or toes; a congenital anomaly – See Figure 4-5. SYNTHESIS (SĬN-thĕ-sĭs) Literally, to put (-thesis) together (syn-) – In protein synthesis, complex proteins are built up from simpler amino acids. SYNDROME (SĬN-drōm) Group of symptoms that occur together indicating a particular abnormal condition, disorder or disease. EXAMPLE: Reye syndrome = characterized by vomiting, swelling of the brain, increased intracranial pressure, hypoglycemia, and dysfunction of the liver; may occur in children after a viral infection that has been treated with aspirin. SYMBIOSIS (sĭm-bē-Ō-sĭs) Close association between organisms of different species; of a state in which two people are emotionally dependent on each other SYMMETRY (SĬM-mĕ-trē) Equality of parts on opposite sides of the body. What is asymmetry? SYMPHYSIS (SĬM-fĭ-sĭs) Literally, to grow together – A symphysis is a joint in which the bony surfaces are firmly united by a layer of fibrocartilage. See Figure 4-6. TACHYPNEA (tă-KĬP-nē-ă or tăk-ĭp-NĒ-ă) Rapid breathing
Prefixes (Cont’d) Pages 118 – 120 trans- ultra- uni- across, through Prefix Meaning Example trans- ultra- uni- across, through beyond, excess one transfusion, transurethral ultrasonography unilateral TRANSFUSION (trăns-FŪ-zhŭn) Literally, to pour (-fusion) across (trans-); transference of blood from person to another TRANSURETHRAL (trăns-ū-RĒ-thrăl) Pertaining to across or through the urethra – resection of the prostate gland (TURP) = a portion of the prostate gland is removed with an instrument passed through the urethra. The procedure is indicated when prostatic tissue increases and interferes with urination. ULTRASONOGRAPHY (ŭl-tră-sŏ-NŎG-ră-fē) The prefix ultra- means beyond or excessive; sonography is the process of recording sound waves; ultrasonography is the use of high frequency sound waves that are beyond the range of normal hearing to produce a record or picture of an organ or tissue. EXAMPLES: Echocardiograms = ultrasound images of the heart & Sonogram = Fetal ultrasound image (Notice the facial features in the ultrasound image.) UNILATERAL (ū-nē-LĂT-ĕr-ăl) Pertaining to one side