Other Amendments 13th amendment – abolished slavery 14th amendment A. grants citizenship to former slaves B. grants equal protection under the laws 15th amendment – cannot be denied the right to vote based on your race or ethnicity *** these are known as the Civil War or slave amendments *** Jim Crow laws – laws the south passed to prevent African Americans from voting Ex. 1 – literacy test Ex. 2 – poll tax
18th amendment – prohibition of alcohol 19th amendment – women’s suffrage 21st amendment – repeals prohibition (18th) *** only amendment to overturn another 22nd amendment – limits Presidential terms (2x) 23rd amendment – grants D.C. residents representation in the electoral college (right to vote for D.C)
24th amendment – abolishes poll taxes 25th amendment – Presidential succession; who takes over if President dies 26th amendment – suffrage for 18 year olds