Civil Rights
Civil Rights Refers to government-protected rights of individuals against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by governments or individuals based on categories such as: race, sex, national origin, age, religion or sexual orientation
14th Amendment Due Process- Equal Protection Criminal Rights Civil Liberties Equal Protection Civil Rights Movement
Amendments Civil War Amendments 13- Freed Slaves 14- Citizenship 15-Voting Rights
Plessey vs. Fergusson Separate IS equal 1896
Jim Crow laws Poll Tax Literacy Test Grandfather Clause
Times are a Changing Brown (2) Brown vs. Board of Education (1) Ruled that separate was NOT equal Brown (2) Desegregate with “all deliberate speed”
3 Civil Rights Acts Civil Rights Act 1964 (1) Banned discrimination in Public Accommodations Commerce Clause Used to enforce the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Heart of Atlanta Motel vs. U.S. Education Bring action against schools that did not comply with Brown v. Board of Education Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg County
Discrimination De Jure- By Law De Facto- By Fact Racial Segregation which is a direct result of law or official policy De Facto- By Fact Racial discrimination that results from practice (such as Housing Patterns and other social or institutional non-government factors) Open Housing Acts of 1968 (2) Illegal for Realtors to discriminate in selling of real estate
Voting Rights Act 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965 24th Amendment Eliminated Literacy Test Federal Government used to ensure “equal protection” 24th Amendment Eliminates the Poll Tax Good bye Jim Crow Laws
Women’s Rights Seneca Falls Convention First women’s rights convention organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott Called for equal rights of citizenship regardless of gender “The History of mankind is a history of repeated injustices and usurpations in the past of men towards women
Women’s Rights 19th Amendment Reed vs. Reed Title IX- Men do not have precedence over women Title IX- Prohibited gender discrimination in federally subsidized education programs Prong one - Providing athletic opportunities that are substantially proportionate to the student enrollment, OR Prong two - Demonstrate a continual expansion of athletic opportunities for the underrepresented sex, OR Prong three - Full and effective accommodation of the interest and ability of underrepresented sex.
Affirmative Action What do you know about Affirmative Action? Definition- concrete steps that are taken not only to eliminate discrimination—whether in employment, education, or contracting—but also to attempt to redress the efforts of past discrimination
Court Cases U.C. Regents vs. Bakke (1978) Gratz vs. Bollinger (2003) Strict quotas unconstitutional, but states may allow race to be taken into account as ONE factor in admissions decisions. Bakke was admitted Gratz vs. Bollinger (2003) Struck down use of “bonus points” for race in undergrad admissions at UM Grutter vs. Bollinger Allowed the use of race as a general factor in law school admissions at UM “compelling interest in achieving diversity among its student body."