CURRENT EXPECTATIONS Good - brainstorm Bad – let it all out
HOW DO YOU START? The world starts with “don’t” Camp starts with purpose Create mission Start with “do”
COUNSELORS MUST Safety Schedule. Rules. Solve problems.
COUNSELORS CAN Teach skills. Forge relationships. Build confidence. Develop competence. Make camp awesome!
COUNSELORS OFTEN Take risks. Run late. Forget rules. Focus on themselves. Miss opportunities. Share too much!
WHAT DOES THIS LOOK LIKE? Quick decisions Shock and amazement at results Looking to peers over rules Intense emotional responses Judgment follows sleep
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN AT CAMP? Good decision-making requires time and information. Peer pressure is ALWAYS a factor. Intense emotional responses will occur!!!! Sleep deficit clouds critical thinking and increases moodiness.
START WITH STAFF If they don’t kids won’t Show them AND tell them Begin as you mean to go on
CREATE INTENTION Light a fire in your staff intentionally: Build on their experiences Heighten their emotions Use peer pressure for good Call them to action!
DEFINE BOUNDARIES Build fences around what matters Clear expectations & consequences Explain reasoning without debate Create a culture that sees expectations are respect
SUPERVISORS MUST Enforce consequences Acknowledge temptation Name behaviors High expectations Clear rules Avoid hypocrisy! Enforce consequences
CHALLENGE YOUR STAFF! Call them to action! Claim your mission Break stereotypes Raise the bar Call them to action!
DO THE SAME WITH CAMPERS Start with purpose What are their DO’s? What are their don’ts?
CREATE INTENTION Light a fire in your campers intentionally: Build on their experiences Heighten their emotions Use peer pressure for good Call them to action!
DEFINE BOUNDARIES Expectations = respect For kids and staff Clear consequences Explain reasoning without debate
CHALLENGE YOUR KIDS! Call them to action! Claim your mission Break stereotypes Raise the bar Call them to action!
Expectations get the rules out of your way! CREATE THE MAGIC Expectations get the rules out of your way!