Related Issue 2 To What Extent Should National Interest be pursued? This is the second of the four overarching related issue questions that will help us understand the Key Issue of this course (remember - To What Extent Should We Embrace Nationalism?) This related issue question will cover chapters 5-8.
Chapter 5 – National Interest and Foreign Policy Chapter Issue - To what extent do national interest and foreign policy shape each other? How are nationalism and national interest related? How has national interest shaped foreign policy? How has foreign policy shaped national interest?
How are nationalism and national interest related? How do we decide on the choices that we are going to make? Normally we, formally or informally, do a good vs. bad (pro’s vs. con’s) comparison. This can take into account personal preference, future impacts, laws, etc. Nations do the same except instead of personal choices it has to be national choices or national interests.
Cont’d How do we decide what our national interests are though? Well, we have to look at the “collective conscience” of what to do as a nation. In other words, what make us Canadians shapes our decisions a nation. In other words, Nationalism! Same rules apply though what do we like, what is best for our future, what do the laws say?
Aspects of National Interest These questions can be answered by looking at 3 things: Economic Prosperity – stable employment, low unemployment rate, good standard of living, good labor laws, positive trade agreements with other nations are all things to look at here!
Cont’d Security and Safety – looking after the safety of the people by ensuring we have laws and police force to enforce these laws. Also, we want to peacefully resolve issues with other nations and control who enters the country. Beliefs and Values – Protecting different world views, ways of life, traditions, and languages of the citizens.
Changing Views of National interest Our world can, and often does, change very rapidly! Events within a country can change opinions about what is important for citizens (obviously different countries may have different national interests because of what is important to their people) but, because of globalism, so can events all around the world. These events can be due to catastrophes like Hurricane Katrina or they can be due to human conflict like 9/11 and the resulting conflict that ensued.
National interests and sovereignty Often, national interests are shaped by territorial rights and sovereignty claims. An important example for Canadians is the Arctic. As climate change occurs, the Northwest Passage may open year round meaning much shorter routes between Europe and Asia. Also, any resources located here belong to who (pg. 119) Canada’s rights to this area are being challenged by four other nations – Us, Denmark, Norway, and Russia
How has national interest shaped foreign policy? Many countries prior to WWI had a foreign policy called imperialism (3p’s and 2m’s) Pride & Prestige – my empire is bigger than yours Protect investments – get this land so that others can’t get it and cut me off Materials & Markets – More colonies meant more $$$ They also had alliance systems to “help” protect each other.
Cont’d Something else to think about with imperialism is that the colonies may have, and usually did, resent being “taken over” by another country. This lead to an increase in national identity and a desire for sovereignty. These things (sovereignty and territory, nationalism and national identity, economics, and security) still help shape foreign policy today but leading to WWI everything was exaggerated.
Page 124 & 125 Read the making a difference description of Woodrow Wilson on page 124 and Do the exploration questions as a class. Also need three readers for the points of view on page 125 and then discuss the exploration questions.
The Middle East Arabic nationalism had been growing leading up to WWI and the Arab’s hoped to further their cause by helping The British and French. After the war, the British and the French failed to keep their promises to their Arab allies about giving independence and self-government. This has obviously lead to a lot of turmoil.
Cont’d Watch video clip in Social 20 common folder to show changes in middle east from the end of WWI to present. Read the figure 5-12 excerpt about Lawrence of Arabia and answer the questions it poses.
Balfour Declaration This treaty further outraged Arab nationalists when rather than giving independence, the British decided to declare a “national home for Jewish people in Palestine.” This has lead to an ongoing dispute which has resulted in devastating losses for all involved.
Georeality Read pages 128 & 129 and do the exploration questions individually.
How can Foreign Policy Shaped National Interest? A countries foreign policy can have lasting effects on how it deals with people around the world and, in turn, how national interests are shaped to correspond/fit into the world. Ex: Canada decided not to enter the War on Iraq with America in 2003 and this, in turn, has affected how we relate to other countries. Our relationships with other countries, in turn, help us figure out national interests and future foreign policy It is all connected.
Afghanistan The last slide said we didn’t join America in the war on Iraq but that doesn’t mean we did not contribute after 9/11. We sent troops to Afghanistan with America as a NATO response to an attack. Read page 132 to look at the Canadian contribution and the polls on how Canadians feel about this contribution do you agree?
National Interests for the Rights of Women Women’s rights around the world vary tremendously and is something that the UN is striving to improve. In Afghanistan they now have a NATO- backed government that created a ministry of Women’s affairs to work towards improving women’s rights and including them in their new democratic process. These changes would not have happened without the foreign policies of the NATO member nations.
Taking Turns Three readers for page 133. Answer the “your turn” question in your daily log.
Chapter Review Answer the “Think, Participate, Research and Communicate questions on page 134 & 135.