FLORENCE SIMPLE TELEHEALTH Nottingham City CCG Dan Woods – Project Manager, Primary Care & Nottinghamshire Assistive Technology Team (NATT) Carol Turner, FLO STH Project Manager
What is Flo Simple Telehealth ? NHS owned/Automated SMS Text messaging system Uses patients own mobile phone Simple cheap biometric devices Free for the patient to use 3 main uses: - Records vital signs and other readings Reminders e.g. medication/ADL/appointments Motivational messages Does not require frequent monitoring by Clinician Onus is on patient to follow Flo’s advice Encourages Patient self-care particularly with LTC’s Over 5000 patients enrolled on Flo to date and 90+ services live Age range (6– 98 years) Innovative uses of Flo Mainstream Service since April 2015 funded by 6 Notts CCG’s
Patient – It’s about me! choice and responsibility I have an active role in my healthcare It’s personal, just for me, just when I need it I get instant feedback and advice I now feel that I am not on my own I can use my own mobile phone It’s discrete and matches my lifestyle It’s comfortable and familiar I can choose to opt out at any time
Hypertension Regular monitoring of blood pressure remotely Titration of medication Monitoring of blood pressure as part of other disease management, e.g. CKD, Heart Failure, Stroke early supported discharge, PIH Provides better compliance of NICE Guidance CG127 – Hypertension.
Your blood pressure reading is fine. Take care Flo. Example Messages A quick reminder that your BP is due, please text it in e.g. “BP 141 80”. Thanks Flo Your blood pressure reading is fine. Take care Flo. Your blood pressure is a little high today, please rest for half and hour, retake it on the other arm and send your reading into Flo. Your reading indicates that you may need a change to your treatment. Please ring your . . . . . . . . for further advice.
Why use Flo with Hypertension? Many people are asked to attend their GP or Practice Nurse for the sole reason to have their blood pressure monitored and do not benefit in any other way from the visit White Coat Hypertension can be better diagnosed to avoid unnecessary titration of medication Reduce risk of further long term conditions such as heart failure and stroke. 6
What Hypertension is costing Taken from PHE Hypertension profile 2016
Next Steps To arrange a practice training session and sign up contact us! Nottinghamshire Assistive Technology Team (NATT) Carol Turner Tel: 07900430249 AT Integrated Service – Nottingham City Homes, Chris Summerlin Tel: 0115 7469389 Request a copy of the Hypertension Training Package Obtain Bloody pressure machines from the NATT Team.