A: Pressure ulcer on the left cheek of a patient after 1 week of prone positioning using a commercially available endotracheal tube (ETT) holder. A: Pressure.


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Presentation transcript:

A: Pressure ulcer on the left cheek of a patient after 1 week of prone positioning using a commercially available endotracheal tube (ETT) holder. A: Pressure ulcer on the left cheek of a patient after 1 week of prone positioning using a commercially available endotracheal tube (ETT) holder. B: Pressure ulcer on the right cheek of a patient after 1 week of prone positioning using a commercially available ETT holder. C: Pressure ulcer on the right cheek of a patient after 1 week of prone positioning using a commercially available ETT holder. Richard D Branson et al. Respir Care 2014;59:974-990 (c) 2012 by Daedalus Enterprises, Inc.