Rabi 2013-14 Progress in Agriculture Progress in Summer and Kharif 2013 Plan for Rabi 2013-14 Strategy for Rabi 2013-14 Issues
Progress in Agriculture Production Production in (Lakh MT),
Progress in Agriculture Productivity Productivity in (Lakh MT),
Rainfall vs Crop Coverage -2013
Area in lakh hectare, Status of Kharif Crops 2013 Production in lakh M.T. CROP Coverage Production Target Exp. Production Last year Paddy 34.00 30.11 91.00 48.90 81.43 Maize 4.75 4.67 14.50 9.09 9.76 Pulses 1.75 0.88 1.90 1.00 0.78 Total Food grains 41.00 36.16 107.90 59.22 92.18 Oil seeds 0.20 0.08 0.07 0.05 Erratic rainfall, less rainfall and huge gap in rainfall at peak period created drought in 33 districts of the State
Rs. 769 Crore Sanctioned for Diesel subsidy Contingent Crop Plan Rs. 769 Crore Sanctioned for Diesel subsidy Rs. 231.31 Crore Released to districts till date Subsidy for 6 irrigation in paddy, 3 in Maize and one irrigation for sowing contingent crop 10 liters /Ha/ irrigation @ Rs. 25/ liter Rs. 43 Crore distributed till date Rs. 15.435 Crore released for Contingent crop plan Plan to cover unsown area by Toria, Kulthi,Arhar, Til and Bajra (Likely unsown area – 2.84 lac ha., Covered- 0.77 lac ha Providing seeds on 100% subsidy Weekly advisory is being issued 33 districts declared drought affected in the State
Green manuring/Pulses/Fodder Crop Target Achievement Moong 3.20 3.08 Progress in summer 2013 Green manuring/Pulses/Fodder Area in Lakh ha. Crop Target Achievement Moong 3.20 3.08 Dhaincha 3.72 3.64 Maize (green fodder) 1.00 0.55 Seed availability is an issue
Mitigating Changing climatic effect Progress in Kharif 2013 Area in acre Schemes Target Achievement SRI Rice Demo 500000 460900 SRI Non Demonstration 2000000 1053700 Hybrid Rice demo 850000 802475 Hybrid Rice non demo 750000 705000 Community nursery 4750 2981 Mechanized Rice 25000 5475 Mitigating Changing climatic effect Maize 150000 134183 Arhar 10000 8939 Ragi/ Bajra 16000 8701
New Initiatives & Result No of Block level Training: 534 No of farmers trained for nursery: 2.67 Lakh No of females trained for SRI transplanting: 2.67 Lakh No of Beneficiaries for SRI demonstrations: 4.998 Lakh New initiative _- Community nursery
Initiative and result Arhar cultivation on farm bund Mandatory for all demo area under SRI & Hybrid paddy
Area in lakh hectare, Production in lakh M.T. Productivity in Qtls/ha. Plan for Rabi 2013-14 - Target Area in lakh hectare, Production in lakh M.T. Productivity in Qtls/ha. SL.NO. CROP AREA PRODUCTION PRODUCTIVITY 1 WHEAT 23.25 78.00 33 2 MAIZE 6.75 30.40 45 3 BORO PADDY 1.50 4.00 26 4 OTHER COARSE CEREAL 0.25 0.35 14 5 PULSES 11.50 11.75 10 6 TOTAL FOOD GRAIN 43.25 124.50 28.8 7 OILSEED 2.00 2.87
Plan for Rabi 2013-14 Seed Requirement and Availability Unit in Qtls. Crop Requirement Availability +/- Wheat 833886 954366 120480 Boro Paddy 9000 15600 6600 Maize 135000 177119 42119 Maize (HQPM) 6720 1610 -5110 Gram 26878 50500 23622 Pea 10000 13000 3000 Lentil 26426 18497 -7929 Rai/ Sarson 11734 23913 12179 Linseed 4282 -4282 G. nut 8000 15400 7400 Sun flower 470 2000 1530
Plan for Rabi 2013-14 Seed availability company wise Unit in Qtls. Crop Availability BRBN NSC TDC SFCI HIL Kribhco UPBVN Wheat 118309 250750 218650 212157 24500 30000 100000 Boro Paddy 13600 2000 Maize 4000 13294 3220 Maize (HQPM) 1000 610 Gram 2500 10000 36000 Pea 5000 8000 Lentil 3500 11497 3000 500 Rai/ Sarson 161 16202 2050 Linseed G. nut 15400 Sun flower
Plan for Rabi 2013-14 Seed Production 2013 CM seed crash programme Seed village scheme Seed production through BRBN 1. Foundation seed on SM Farm 2. Creation of new godowns for seed storage 3. Enhancement of seed processing capacity 4. Expansion of seed processing unit for pulses separately 5. Certified seed production of Rice, Wheat and Pulses through registered organizers 7. Tie up of Pulses demonstration for certified seed production under A3P
Plan for Rabi 2013-14 Fertilizer Fertilizers State Assessment (in Lakh MT) GOI Approved in Zonal conf. UREA 12.50 11.50 DAP 3.00 2.75 NPK 2.50 2.00 MOP 1.50 1.00 SSP Timely supply for Rabi needs to be ensured
Plan for Rabi 2013-14 Wheat Scheme Demonstration Non demonstration Unit in Acre Scheme Demonstration Non demonstration Total Wheat with Swi 225000 275000 500000 Wheat with Zero till 70000 280000 350000 Strategy:- Conservation technology “Line sowing” : ßiafDr esa 'kfDrÞ Seed treatment Timely sowing with improved varieties (CMCSP/ Subsidy on specified seed) Bio fertilizer Micronutrients Happy seeder in south Bihar Increase in irrigation facility Promotion of vermi compost and farm mechanization Method of Extension – FFS/ Demonstrations
Plan for Rabi 2013-14 Maize Crop Target Demonstration Unit in Ha. Crop Target Demonstration Maize in Non traditional area 675000 Ha. 150000 acre Strategy:- Timely sowing of improved Hybrid varieties (CMCSP/ Subsidy on certified seed) Seed treatment Bio fertilizer Micronutrient Increase in irrigation facility Promotion of vermi compost and farm mechanization Method – Demonstration in non traditional area
Plan for Rabi 2013-14 Pulses Scheme Crop Demonstration Pulses ( NFSM) Unit in Ha. Scheme Crop Demonstration Pulses ( NFSM) Gram 6000 Lentil 8000 Urad/ Summer Moong 9000 Moong I/C with Maize 30800 Strategy:- Timely sowing of improved varieties (CMCSP/ Subsidy on certified seed Seed treatment Bio fertilizer Micronutrient - Sulphur IPM Increase in irrigation facility Promotion of vermi compost and farm mechanization Method – Demonstration/ FFS Area expansion
Plan for Rabi 2013-14 Oilseed Scheme Crop Demonstration Oilseed Unit in Acre. Scheme Crop Demonstration Oilseed ( ISOPOM) Rai/ Sarson 11335 Linseed Para 5000 Ground nut 15179 Strategy:- Timely sowing of improved varieties (CMCSP/ Subsidy on certified seed) Para cropping in Linseed Extension and Training to farmers Distribution of irrigation pipe Strengthening of Plant Protection Centers Increase in irrigation facility Promotion of vermi compost and farm mechanization Method – Demonstration Availability of Linseed seed is an issue
Issues Fertilizer MRP Rationalization of N, P & K fertilizers Fright rate concern? Fertilizer lift from Rake point by W/s & R/s? Seed subsidy Increase subsidy on cereal and pulses seeds as its base price high Power driven dibbler for wheat New varieties Heat tolerant cultivars in Wheat Short duration with high yield potential in Wheat Seed availability More varieties suitable for Nutri farms Moisture in field Plan to prepone Rabi, If there is no Rainfall in the1st week of October, moisture will be an issue