One hundred SBCUSD National Merit Scholars in the next four years NMS100: Dream Big One hundred SBCUSD National Merit Scholars in the next four years ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
Welcome Top Students! “You are the elite. The best of the best. We’ll make you better.” --Tom Skerritt, Top Gun ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
Objective and Overview OBJECTIVE: To help students and families understand the benefits and the path to becoming a National Merit Scholar and the support the NMS100 program will provide. OVERVIEW: The Benefits The Support The Path The Plan The Requirements ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
The Benefits Qualifying as a National Merit Scholar puts students at a level that opens the door to many opportunities: An increased chance of admission to the best universities in the nation More scholarship money National recognition for your personal and academic achievements Invitations to special programs ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
The Support The NMS100 program supports students and families by: Providing information students need to get into top colleges and programs Giving students a plan for accelerated development Providing individualized coaching and mentorship Creating a collegial atmosphere where students can learn from each other Scheduling guest speakers ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
The Path Earning a qualifying score on the PSAT/NMSQT, taken in October of students’ junior year, is the first—but not the only step—to become a National Merit Scholar. However, since this is an overview, we will not cover the process in detail. Details will come after students qualify. ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
The Path: The Test The NMSQT combines the scores on the math, reading and writing sections to determine the total score. Qualification is determined by cut scores, which change each year and are determined by state. Last year, California’s cut score was 223 out of 228 (or roughly 1480 out of 1520 on the PSAT scale). ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
The Path: The Selection Once students qualify, they go through additional cuts beyond the first level: Commended (@50K) Semifinalist (@16K) Finalist (@15K) National Merit Scholar (@7.5K) ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
The Path: Semifinalists+ Once a student is chosen as a semifinalist, then the rest of a student’s academic record comes into play. What the National Merit Scholarship Corporation looks for in a finalist is what elite colleges look for: a stellar academic record, demonstrated intellectual passion, high levels of achievement in one or two areas, plus leadership and service. ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
The Plan Success starts in the mind. It’s what students and their families know and believe about education that moves students from above average to National Merit Scholar. Understand what world-class looks like Adopt a pro-level work ethic ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
The Plan: What is World-Class? “Intellectual independence.” --UCLA “Intellectually curious.” –-USC “A zest to stretch the limits of their talent.” --Yale “How have you used your time?” --Harvard ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
The Plan: Pro-Level Work Ethic “Amateurs practice until they get it right. Pros practice until they can’t get it wrong.” –Melissa Friedman, author ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
The Requirements The program has minimal requirements, which do not extend much beyond what the best students should be doing—and probably are doing—anyway. Register for academic coaching Increase skills in math and English related to the PSAT/SAT Take PSATs and practice PSATs Maintain grades and a course load in line with admission to top universities ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
Are you in or out? Time to decide. Some of you are absolutely, positively… IN ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
Are you in or out? Time to decide. But some of you are out because you’re thinking… You don’t need to try to become a National Merit Scholar. ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
Are you sure….? Admitted Freshman SAT Score Range College SAT Berkeley 1440-1540 Cal Tech 1520-1570 Columbia 1460-1550 Harvard 1460-15901 MIT 1490-1570 Princeton 1430-1560 Stanford 1420-1570 UCLA 1360-1540 USC 1360-1510 Yale 1460-1560 1 Estimated. ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
Are you in or out? Time to decide. But some of you are out because you’re thinking… You can wait. ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
Are you in or out? Time to decide. But some of you are out because you’re thinking… It’s too much work. ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
Are you in or out? Time to decide. So, what is it? ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
Next steps If you’re IN, fill out your form and then introduce yourself to the students and families who will be with you on your high school journey. Turn in your form before you leave. Create a Khan Academy account by the end of the week and add me and your parents as coaches. Have a great summer! ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement
Additional Information Website: For links and resources, go to and click on ”NMS100.” Email: Phone: (909) 382-1550 ©2019 SBCUSD Family Engagement