Unit 1: The Gilded Age Industry Comes of Age
Bell Ringer: When was America’s first Industrial Revolution? What is an Industrial Revolution? 1790s-1830s https://youtu.be/r6tRp-zRUJs
USA becomes industrialized USA becomes industrialized!!! What helped the USA become industrial nation? Top 5 Reasons
1. 2nd Industrial Revolution Revolution of mass production (1870-1914) Ways to make things faster via communication, shipping and making Need for less skilled workers=less wages=more $$$ for me Trains, Coal & Steel major resources of the day!!!!!!
2. RAILROADS! RAILROADS!! Will cause steel industry to BOOM!!! Tracks made of STEEL!!! Over 40,000 miles track laid during Gilded Age More RR track in USA than all of Europe Importance: Connects markets (West to East) Standardized time (time zones) Gov’t supports 100%
3. Natural Resources Timber, coal, iron and copper New resource: petroleum Turned into kerosene Lanterns and stoves
4. Large Workforce Population: tripled Immigrants!!!!! Created workforce and demand for manufactured goods Immigrants!!!!!
5. New Inventions Alexander Graham Bell Thomas Edison Invented telephone Make business transaction on spot Thomas Edison Invented light bulb Improved battery and motion picture Created GE (general electric company)
George Westinghouse Christopher Scholes Created cheaper electric using alternating current (AC) Competes with Edison and GE Christopher Scholes Invented typewriter women=secretaries
Nikola Tesla Born and raised in the Austrian Empire, emigrated in 1884 to the United States and became a naturalized citizen. Works with Alternating Current, teams up with George Westinghouse. https://youtu.be/pcrwTN5OEZY
Why Business ruled?? Federal Gov’t practiced: Free Enterprise Ppl own means of production w/ little gov’t interference AKA Laissez-faire: French term, means “to let alone” or hands off
The Gilded Age 1865-1898 Coined by Mark Twain USA not experiencing a Golden Age Instead glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath https://youtu.be/AeWE_FaIP6k
Timeline WW2 1861-1865 Civil War 1898: Spanish American War 1939-1945 1850 WW1 1914-1918 Gilded Age 1870-1898
Characteristics of Gilded Age Intense industrialization Focus on USA Huge amts of wealth accumulated by few Political corruption Wave of immigration (cheap labor)
*Unit 1 Vocab, Due Test Day* Exit Ticket What does this political cartoon say about the Gilded Age? *Unit 1 Vocab, Due Test Day*