President’s Report April 17, 2014 Faculty Senate Report April 17, 2014 President’s Report April 17, 2014
Faculty Senate Report April 17, 2014 Awards: Larry Gragg, Curators’ Teaching Professor of History, Thomas Jefferson Award Richard Dawes, assistant professor of chemistry, President’s Award for Early Career Excellence Yinfa Ma, Curators’ Teaching Professor of chemistry, President’s Award for Mentoring Mariesa Crow, F. Finley Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering, President’s Award for Leadership Dan Oerther, Excellence in Environmental Engineering Education Award presented jointly by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists and the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors.
Faculty Senate Report April 17, 2014 Awards: Advanced Aero Vehicle Group advised by Walt Eversman, fourth place in the advanced class at the annual Aero Design West Competition Maciej Zawodniok, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, IEEE Region 5 2013 Outstanding Branch Counselor Theresa M. Swift, assistant teaching professor of electrical and computer engineering, IEEE Region 5 2013 Outstanding Engineering Educator.
Faculty Senate Report April 17, 2014 Intercampus Faculty Council: meets next week Policy mandating reporting of sexual assault or harassment Campus: Enrollment growth. Apr 15 data vs 4/15/2013: freshmen up 4.3% (PRO), 455 enrolled Grad students up 5.3%, 664 enrolled Transfers down 20.5%, 70 enrolled Net: +5 students enrolled (1% increase) Deans: Tenure (Policy) Committee draft P&T process for today; must include Deans by CRR Bylaws revision must be approved by Gen Fac mail ballot after next meeting, 6 May