Early Years at Parklands Community Primary School
The Early Years Foundation Stage Development Matters Areas are reflected inside and outside Prime Areas Specific Areas
Prime Areas
Specific Areas
Provision Stimulating and real life experiences – trips, special events, incredible eggs, forest school and visitors Areas of learning will be reflected both indoors and outdoors.
Provision Balance between the amount of free flow and adult-led activities. There will be regular opportunities for the two classes to integrate and share resources and equipment.
The School Day During the day… Fruit and milk Lunch Tapestry – online journal Helpful reminders – name labels, book bags, PE kits, water bottles, spare clothes
Parents as Partners Planners Reading Home visits - Mr Oldman (Monday 8th/ Tuesday 9th July) - Mrs Squires (Monday 8th/Monday 15th July)
Starting School Timings – staggered start – home visits Full time / Part time?
Readiness for School Getting dressed and undressed Toileting Knife and fork skills Writing their name Scissor skills
Special Educational Needs
Sport & Fitness Fridays
Parklands School Association
Chartwells School Meals
Important Dates Tuesday 18th June – 1.45-2.45pm Tuesday 25th June – 1.45-2.45pm - tea/coffee/uniform Visits to nursery settings and home visits Monday 2nd September – INSET day Tuesday 3rd September – Friday 6th September - Staggered start Monday 9th September– Full/Part time option from 8.45am