General Safety A Policy We Can Live By. BE SAFE STAY SAFE SP-02 General Safety A Policy We Can Live By. SEPTEMBER 2019 REVIEW SP-02 is our company general safety rules. September is the month we will review these rules and once again familiarize ourselves with them. Please take a copy and review fully – if you have questions please ask. Here are a few policy highlights: Never reach inside a trash can No intoxicating substances Don’t bring chemicals to work Know & use your PPE REPORT ALL INJURIES Goggles when using liquids Keep exterior doors locked Use your wet floor signs COMPREHENSION QUIZ Is it okay to reach into a trash can? YES or NO Minor injuries don’t need to be reported – TRUE or FALSE All outside doors should be kept locked – TRUE or FALSE If you have a safety question or concern you should: a. Say nothing b. Ask your supervisor What free PPE (personal Protective Equipment) should be worn when cleaning rest rooms every time? a. Hard hat b. Face mask c. Gloves _____________________________ _______ ________________ _____________ NAME (print) INITIALS JOB SITE DATE Do you have the latest Safety Policy? Current Revision: Rev. 13 – 08/2018