Chapter 13 Diversity, Conflict, Union Section 1 Mediterranean Europe
I. A history of Ancient Glory Civilization was born here. Reasons 1st, the mild climate made survival easier. 2nd, the nearby Mediterranean sea encourage overseas trade and where able to trade ideas & goods.
1. Greece: Birthplace of Democracy Ancient Greece left a lasting legacy to modern civilization. The city-state of Athens developed the first democracy. It helped inspire the U.S. system of govt. Greek science, philosophy, drama, & art helped shape modern culture. In 400s B.C., conflict with Sparta, a rival city-state weaken Greece.
2. The Roman Empire As the Greece lost power, a state to the west was rising, Rome, which ruled most of the Italian Peninsula by 275 B.C. They grew by conquering territory overseas, including the Iberian & Balkan peninsulas. They started ruling by an emperor, ending the republic. One of Rome’s overseas territories was Palestine, the place where Jesus was born, Christianity spread and became it official religion.
II. Moving Toward Modern Times The 3 Mediterranean peninsulas had very different histories. The Balkan Peninsula stayed part of Eastern Empire. Italy saw birth of the Renaissance. Portugal & Spain launched the Age of Exploration.
1. Italian City-States: The invaders who overran the Italian Peninsula had not tradition of strong central government. Italy became divided into many small states & stay that way for centuries. In 1096, European Christians launched the Crusades, a series of wars to take Palestine from the Muslims. Renaissance, between 14th & 16th century, & it was inspired by classical art & writings. In 1347, the bubonic plague reached Italy from Asia & killed millions of Europeans.
2. Spain’s Empire: In the 700s, Muslims from North Africa conquered the Iberian Peninsula. They had controlled until 1492, when Spain’s Catholic rulers, Ferdinand & Isabella , retook it. Queen Isabella also paid for Christopher Columbus’s first voyage, through these voyages they where able to spread Catholicism & The Spanish & Portuguese languages throughout the world.
III. A Rich Cultural Legacy: Mediterranean Europe’s history shaped its culture by determining where languages are spoken & where religions are practiced today.
1. Rome’s Cultural Legacy: Unlike many areas of Europe that Rome conquered, Greece retained its own language. Portuguese, Spanish, & Italian are Romance Languages that came from Latin, the language of Rome. Greece is Eastern Orthodox Christianity & Roman Catholicism is strong in Italy.
2. Centuries of Art: Greece & Italy have ancient ruins, such as the Parthenon. Spain has Roman aqueducts structures that carried water for long distances, & Muslim mosque. Renaissance painting & sculpture. Artistic legacy, artists as Pablo Picasso of Spain.
IV. Economic Change Because of the Mediterranean region’s sunny climate & historic sites, tourism has long been a large part of its part of its economy.
1. Agriculture to industry: