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Presentation transcript:

The local development strategy content Jela Tvrdonova, IMRD Case Study, SPU Nitra 2016

Local development strategy structure Vision – an idea about the future of the village or micro-region Description of the territory – territorial diagnosis SWOT analysis Problem analysis Strategic framework Action and Financial planning Monitoring and evaluation framework

The base for the intervention logic design Territory description SWOT analysis Needs assessment

Territorial diagnosis – human and social resources Demographic characteristics Education type and level Extension service and adult education IT coverage Religion Nationalities and minorities Instructions and their activities Cultural resources Historical resources Social groups Attitudes, opinions, needs and challenges of local people Etc.

Territorial diagnosis – material resources Housing Public and private building (factories) Technical infrastructure Communication infrastructure Cultural and historical memorials Free time infrastructure Social facilities Etc.

Territorial diagnosis – economic resources Economic sectors, their share on the turnover Businesses Employment and unemployment Economic utilisation of resources – land, buildings, enterprises Banking and other financial sectors Etc.

Territorial diagnosis – natural resources Agriculture land Forest Water Protected areas Stone, sand, metals Quality of environment Etc.

New approach to participatory developed SWOT analysis (open) Description of territory is the base of the SWOT analysis of the territory development The SWOT is open and reflect the open system of the rural territory – versus relatively closed environment of the single business SWOT comes out of identification of development patterns instead just technical listing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

New approach to participatory developed SWOT analysis (open) The reason is to identify in interaction with local people these patterns and its meaning for further development of the area Therefore the analysis is divided into two parts: - Analysis of strengths and weaknesses from the point of actual situation - Analysis of opportunities and threats from the point of the future development

SWOT - SW Strenghts Weaknesses Human and social Natural and environmental Material Economic

SWOT - OT Opportunities Threats External Internal Eco Soc Env

Participatory Problem Analysis The necessary bridge between SWOT and the strategic framework Enables to identify participants key areas/priorities for intervention of the strategy The successful problem analysis is very important for setting up right strategic and specific objectives which address key problems of the development

How to conduct the problem analysis - example Set up the major problems/development challanges of the area Select key problems /development challanges of the area with the question: what shall be solved first in order to reach the whished change on effective, efficient and sustainable manner? Find alternative solutions Conduct the cost/benefit analysis and select best solutions Identify the development priorities

Strategy framework Territory Vision Partnership Priorities for development Analysis (SWOT and problem a.) Partnership Resource audit, situation description Territory Vision

Strategic framework

Setting up objectives and development priorities Based on the identification of key problems, the most effective, efficient and sustainable solutions – setting up the main development priorities for the given period of time Focus on the setting up specific objectives – defining the desired change in the given development priority (Results) Setting up general overall objectives – defining the change for the territory in broader sense (Impact) in another words what the proposed development priorities can change in long run

Strategy framework Priorities for development - needs Analysis (SWOT and problem a.) Partnership Resource audit, situation description Specific objectives Strategic objective Measures, activities, fin. Territory Vision I n t e r v e n t i o n

Strategic framework Strategic goal (area long term or at least medium term qualitative change) S imple M easurable A chieveble R ealistic T ime oriented (2015) Priority I(development priority) Priority II (development priority) Specific objectives (sector or priority specific short or medium term qualitative change) Specific objectives Measures

Action framework

Action/operational plan Is the elaboration of the development programme into concrete steps/project proposals: It should be: Realistic Concrete Flexible Expression of the common development priorities of the partnership Transparent Monitored and evaluated

Action Plan Strategic Goal Priority Specific objective Measure Activities Projects

The structure of the measure Rationale Objective Eligible activities Eligible costs Eligible beneficiaries Size and number of projects Co-financing by beneficiary Monitoring indicators

Financial framework

Financial plan Measures and activities Beneficiaries Max. – min. budget per project Number of projects expected Co-financing by beneficiaries Financial plan Total Public expenditures Private exp. State Reg. Loc.

Monitoring and evaluation

From actions and money to the monitoring and evaluation It is important that local people participate in strategic and action planning so they can follow also monitoring and evaluation process. It is important to recognize in time what our proposed actions can do in favor of our objectives, desired change and the overall wel being of the people and the area The enhancement of the monitoring and evaluation skills of the LAG starts in participative development of the strategy and action and financial plans

Monitoring and evaluation framework – ex ante To set up proper monitoring mechanism – indicators – input and output indicators (reflecting the activities and projects level) To set up proper evaluation system – result (reflecting specific objectives) and impact indicators (reflecting strategic goals) To design the system together with the setting up objectives, goals, priorities, measures and activities Assess the strategy ex ante as part of its development

M&E framework during and after strategy life Important – to monitor the strategy ongoingly Use the self-assessment as the governance tool across the strategy implementation Ensure also the mid-term evaluation as steering tool Conduct the ex-post evaluation as the learning tool for future strategy design and implementation

Focus of evaluation in Leader approach RDP/OP Leader/CLLD EAFRD/public funding Method LDS/CLLDS 7 principles Added value

Assessment of LDS and its intervention logic LDS as a management tool to address the LAG territory’s needs and improve the situation LDS covers several aspects: Analysis Strategy and budget Implementation Management Monitoring and evaluation Reporting and communication The heart of the LDS is its intervention logic, which is also the ground for its evaluation

Assessment of LDS Purpose Effectiveness Efficiency Relevance Contribution to RDP/OP objectives

LDS operational objectives Elements of LDS intervention logic Context situation analysed with SWOT Needs of the LAG territory to be addressed with the LDS LDS contribution to programme objectives and changes in LAG territory Links to objectives of EFF, EFRD and ESF, financed programmes if relevant Links to RDP Objectives, RD priorities and FA (mainly 6B) and others if relevant Overall LDS Objective(s) Expected impacts LDS specific objectives Expected results LDS operational objectives Expected outputs LDS measures Inputs

M&E elements in LDS design and implementation Evaluation questions help to (re)formulate objectives in order to be realistic, measurable and time-oriented focus evaluation and their answers help to demonstrate achievements Indicators help to increase coherence, effectiveness and efficiency of intervention logic measure achievements During LDS design During LDS evaluation

M&E framework of the LDS Linking evaluation elements to IL Evaluation question Overall LDS objective(s) Expected impacts Impact indicators Evaluation question LDS specific objectives Expected results Result indicators Measure objectives Expected outputs Output indicators LDS measures (EAFRD, EFRD, ESF, EFF) Inputs

Evaluation framework for LDS Focus of evaluation Evaluation questions Attribution of impacts Basis of evaluation Evaluation methods Intervention logic Measurement tools Data Indicators Collection of evidence

Evaluation of Leader method – 7 principles Bottom-up approach with decision power for LAGs Local public – private partnership Area – based local development strategies Multi-sectorial design and implementation of strategies Implementation of innovative approaches Networking of local partnerships Implementation of cooperation projects

Thank you for attention!!!