Lethal Agents Drug Dependence
Do Now How does drug abuse relate to forensic science?
Objectives Explain what drug dependence is. Describe the differences between physiological and psychological drug dependence. Identify different effects of drug use.
Drug Dependence A need or reliance on a drug; addiction. Addiction - An enthusiastic devotion to something, or being unable to stop without experiencing adverse effects. An addiction can affect your body or your mind.
Drug Dependence Physiological vs Psychological Dependence Physiological - relating to the function of a living organism. Psychological - relating to the mind or emotions.
Drug Dependence Physiological Dependence - A functional need for a drug brought about by its regular use and characterized by withdrawal sickness when administration of the drug is abruptly stopped. Psychological Dependence - A conditioned mental or emotional need for a drug.
Effects of Drug Use Under the Influence refers to acting while significant quantities of a drug are in one's system. Drugs can cause a user to feel invincible, can impair judgement, and can lead to further illegal activities and poor decisions. These decisions can impact the rest of your life.
Effects of Drug Use Driving While Impaired involves operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of a drug. Drug-facilitated Sexual Assault is a sexual encounter during which a victim is rendered incapacitated by an analgesic drug. Drug Dealing
Be Prepared and Informed If you haven't yet met someone who uses drugs or been offered drugs yourself, you will. What will you do when you encounter drugs? When does "experimenting" turn into a drug problem? A user probably won't figure it out until it's too late.
Be Better than Drugs Drugs are poisons and their use deteriorates your body and mind. One night of "fun" may not be worth the consequences. Live up to your full potential. Find more productive hobbies. Make memories you can remember...
Resources If you need support for a drug related issue, there are people you can talk to. http://www.drugfreedetroit.org/ Local drug rehabilitation centers