Welcome to 1A Mrs. Cheal and Mrs. Land’s Class
Meet Mrs. Robinson Retired kdg. teacher from MCSD- 30 year. 11-Muscogee 1-River Road 18- Britt David Mother of 2 grown child Teaching degree from Columbus College (BS), Troy State (MS, Spec.)
House Keeping Absences- Please make sure to send a note after the day missed or before. An email will be considered a note. Lunch account- Students will not be allowed to charge a lunch. They must have a positive balance. Money must be put on account through the company. Please put money on the account tonight so that it shows up by Tuesday. Arrival- Please do not walk across the parking lot to bring your children to school at Kay Circle after 7:30. Dismissal- Please do not start lining up for dismissal until 2:30.
House Keeping 5. Dismissal- Please be on time to pick up your child. They will be taken to extended day and the parent will be charged for their day at extended day. 6. Extended Day – All students must be set up with extended day. This is done in case of emergencies. 7. Volunteering in the classroom- To volunteer in the class or with students on field trips, you must be Virtus trained.
Behavior Behavior is listed daily in your child’s Blue folder. Every child starts on green every day. Yellows will have be highlighted in yellow with a small note. Red will be explained in the folder. The students have the ability to earn back a green light if they are caught making good choices.
Folders and Spelling notebook The blue folder and spelling notebook are sent home daily. The students are responsible for bringing the folder and notebook back and forth daily. Teacher’s check the folder daily for homework, notes, money, etc. Please put anything you want us to see in this folder. Students pack their backpacks at the end of every day. Teacher’s put papers from the week in the red folders and these are sent home on Friday.
Grades The subjects taught daily are Reading, Phonics, Grammar, Math, S.S. / Science(alternate days), and Religion. Standards Based Report Card Similar Format to Kindergarten 1- unable to meet the standard at this time, still developing this skill 4- exceeds expectations, working above grade level 3s & 4s are considered grade level
Homework Homework will be sent home Friday for the following week. Spelling, Math, and Reading will be done nightly Mon. – Thurs. Except for special projects, there is no weekend homework. Homework is intended to be direct reinforcement of daily learning. Homework will be put in the gradebook as an effort grade. Time breakdown for homework is: reading 10-15 min. , spelling journal 10 min., math 5 min., Spelling City 20 min. a week.
Reading Log Reading folders will keep track of students AR reading and any other books they read at home. In the log they have their goal and they need to score 80% and above on AR test. AR reading is a part of our classroom curriculum. Reading, just like sports, you must practice to become better.
Websites Spelling – WWW.spellingcity.com AR books- www.arbookfind.com 1st grade web page www.1stgradevikings.weebly.com
Contact Information The best way to contact us is email or text. We can check this throughout the day. My email is acheal@sasphs.net Please contact us as soon as possible with afternoon transportation changes. We are always available for questions, concerns, etc. For conferences, please allow 1 day notice so I can make arrangements in my schedule.
Field Trips Our class will go on 4-5 field trips this year. All chaperones MUST be VIRTUS trained. Diocese policy is no siblings on class trips since it is a regular school day. Students will wear Spirit wear on our field trips. Most days that we attend field trips we ask for a home lunch brought in a disposable bag.
Any other issues, questions, clarifications? Thank you for all you do to support us. We are truly blessed to be here teaching your children.