What do I know about survival skills? Essential Question What do I know about survival skills?
Vocabulary Ch. 1-3 Turbulence Grimacing Seeping Drone Wallow Spiraling Wrenching Grimacing Drone Spiraling Spasm Vocabulary/Story Friday, August 24, 2012
Survival In your own words, what is survival? Meaning: The state or fact of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances. Have your even been camping, hiking, or in the mountains alone for more than a day or two? What did you do to survive?
Personal vs. Environmental Personal Survival Surviving in her 6th grade, running out of money, little food, no shelter, in need of clothing. Environmental Survival When one is stranded in places other than their home (wilderness), and has to find food and shelter. Not a normal situation.
How would you survive in this area that covers over half of Canada? Canadian Shield How would you survive in this area that covers over half of Canada?
Group Activity Imagine you are in the wilderness alone with no food and no supplies, list several tasks you would have to do in order to survive through that first day. Write your survival skills on an index card. Place your survival skills on the board and as a group explain to your peers what you would do and why you think it may help you to survive.