FYI An assignment chart to help keep up with assignments and grades World Geography WEEK 8 Ch. 7 Teacher- Mrs. Heather Reynolds Period: ______ Student:______________________________ Parent Signature (extra credit):___________________________ FYI An assignment chart to help keep up with assignments and grades Terms Daily Assignments Monday-complete disasters, Human response, GIS, GRID Tuesday-Pollution Weds. –Resources Thurs.-Destruction of Habitats Friday- Term Quiz, Sustainable Development MINE-continue Chapter 7 terms Hurricane Katrina Sustainable development Acid rain program GPS Modify Agriculture Desertification Nonrenewable resources El Nino Renewable resources Greenhouse effect Biodiversity La Nina Seismic activity weather Day assigned Assignment to be graded All Due Friday 10-19 Monday 10-15 WEEKLY QUESTION Will be presented in class on a specific day before the test