SBCUSD Teacher Induction Program (TIP) Where we’ve been… FACT inquiry system Required and designated PD Prescribed cycles of inquiry and sequence of completion Mentor driven documentation 4 FT release mentors/multiple part-time mentors Housed in Secondary Education
SBCUSD Teacher Induction Program (TIP) Where we are… Individual Learning Plan (ILP) PD driven by teacher choice Inquiry activities based on teacher needs assessment/mentor’s choose most appropriate tools for reflection Mentor/Mentee documentation 10 FT release mentors/multiple part-time mentors Increased collaboration within the initial Triad meeting and on-going ILP revision Housed in Employee Development
SBCUSD Teacher Induction Program (TIP) Where we are… 16-17 graduation rate increased from 85% to 86.1% 17-18 school year began w/ 6 teaching vacancies, down from 16 vacancies in 16-17 Developed a Certificated Employee handbook and New Certificated Orientation process “Grow Our Own” pathway for employee development
SBCUSD Teacher Induction Program (TIP) Where we’re going… On-going After-Action review implications for continued program improvement IS2 & IS3 Increased emphasis on mentor coaching training IS2 Increased evidence of a defensible process for documentation review IS5 Increased department collaboration (Demo, PAR, Intern, Ed. Services, etc.) IS3
New Preliminary Teacher Path in TIP Invited to 3 day New Teacher Academy Invited to 1 day New Certificated Orientation Assigned TIP mentor/weekly meetings begin Induction Orientation Meeting Triad Meeting/Goal setting Development of ILP and ongoing progress monitoring Professional Development offerings and options Program progress monitoring checkpoints to completion Credential recommendation, HR 41 letter