Classical Conditioning Ivan Pavlov
CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Learning through the association of a stimulus and a response A manipulation of natural associations
Unconditioned Stimulus UCS Stimulus to which an organism has a natural response Smell favorite food, a ballis thrown, you hear a noise
Unconditioned Response UCR Organism’s natural response to a stimulus
Neutral Stimulus Neutral Alone, does not evoke any response
Conditioned Stimulus CS A neutral stimulus that has been associated with a natural response
Conditioned Response CR Learned response to a conditioned stimulus that is not natural
In Pavlov’s experiment with the dog, bell, food and salivation, what is the UCS, UCR, Neutral, CS and CR?
Bringing in the Dog Food = UCS Salivating = UCR Bell = Neutral Stimulus Bell is paired with Food After time, the bell ALONE creates salivating Bell = CS; Salivation = CR
How and when have you been classically conditioned? What factor’s should impact whether conditioning is effective?
Pavlov’s Observations Time between CS and UCS CS should precede CR by .5 seconds for strongest response.
Repetition: More often CS and UCS are paired, the stronger the response.
Generalization: similar CS should cause same CR (Allergies) Discrimination: discriminate between CS
Extinction: if after conditioning the CS is presented repeatedly without the USC, the CR eventually fades.
Applications of Classical Conditioning Counterconditioning: pleasure and fear simultaneously Flooding: increase contact w/ stimulus
Applications of Classical Conditioning Desensitization: sequence of events to gradually reduce response.